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"That's sweet," I say. "You have a good mom."

Instantly he cringes. "Sorry. Is that disrespectful? I know you..."

"It's all right. I had a good mom too. She just left this earth way too soon. But I love that you are close with your parents, with your mom especially."

"Yeah, she's pretty much the best."

My heart warms and softens and gets all ooey-gooey at the same time. "So Christmas breakfast at your place…"

He nods. "Eight o'clock?"

I smile. "An early bird, huh?"

He laughs. "I actually get up way earlier than that. My internal clock has got all weird since I joined the Navy. I'm up at 5:30 most days."

"That's funny," I tell him. “That's how mine is too. I've been at the convent and..." I swallow. "Well, that's a whole other story. But there, I'd have to wake up at the crack of dawn. Six a.m. was breakfast, and you could not miss."

"Well, you can come over at 6:00 if you like."

I bite at my bottom lip." You want to wake up on Christmas morning with me?"

"Yeah," he says. "We can have coffee together before the hot cocoa. Oh, wear your pajamas."

I laugh. "You want me to wear my pajamas to your house?"

He smiles. "I absolutely do. Do you have Christmas pajamas? Please wear them."

"Doyouhave Christmas pajamas?" I toss back.

"I think so," he says. "I'm sure my mom has kept a pair of flannel pants in one of my drawers."

"Okay," I say with a giggle. "I'll wear my Christmas pajamas to your house at 6:00 in the morning."

"Perfect," he says. "I'll see you then."

I nod as he turns back toward his parents. He turns around and gives me one last look, a smile, and a wink. And my heart, it pounds, and I wonder, did this all just really happen?

But just then Sparkle is up behind me slipping her hand in mine, whispering in my ear, "Oh my God. I just heard all of that. I pretended I wasn't listening, but I was basically listening the entire time. Miracle, are you going to hang out with Silas Ritter for Christmas?"

I turn to my sister, my eyes misty in a way they've never been before. "Yeah," I say. "I think my miracle just happened."

She laughs. "I think your real miracle might happen tomorrow."

I squeeze her hand. "Don't get crazy."

She laughs. "I know you’re a virgin, but that doesn't mean you might not get another gift tomorrow."

"What kind of gift?" I say.

"The Big O," she says with a whisper, laughing all the way home.



When we leave the church, my parents ask me what I was talking to Miracle about. I'm honest and tell them the truth. My pops chuckles as we walk back to his house. "Well, you sure got right to it, didn't you?"

My mom smiles through a yawn. "I guess your prayers are paying off, son."
