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Logan’s large hand rubs gently up and down my back, soothing the pain I feel in the depths of my being. He can’t take it away. But the way he holds me softens the sharp edges to a duller, more bearable hurt.

“You’re not alone, Allie. I can help you. Now that I know what we’re dealing with. I can help you.”

Tears still clog my throat. “I’m sorry,” I croak out again.

Logan reaches between us to cup my chin in the palm of his hand. “You don’t have to apologize. This was not your fault. None of us are responsible for the sins of our parents.” His words hold a force of conviction that’s hard to ignore.

“Allie, please let me help you?”

I slowly nod. Fresh tears well in my eyes. Logan wants to help me even after knowing I’ve lied to him and his family.

His thumb traces across my bottom lip, pressing against the softness and I’m transported back in time. I don’t hesitate to pull his face down to mine and press my lips to his. It rocks my world like it did last time.

Who knew that the simple act of me touching my lips to Logan’s would have the same effect on my equilibrium as it did fourteen years ago?

Chapter sixteen


Kissing Allie is as perfect as I feared it would be. But tonight isn’t the right time. When I take Allie to my bed, and I know I will one day, I don’t want it to be because she was seeking only comfort. We can’t be about blocking out bad memories. Desire courses through my blood like a flooding river about to burst its banks. This is what I want her to feel now too. A consuming passion that only I’m able to quench. I want her looking at me like I’m the one man who can make her scream out her release. I haven’t waited all these years for it to be anything less.

Allie has never been a quick fuck to me. And I guess until she realizes that all I can do is hold her, kiss her, and help her to forget. My lips meld to hers, learning how their pillowy softness feels beneath my firmer ones. My tongue teases an entrance through a small gap between them. Our first taste.

As the kiss deepens, my hand tangles in her long, shiny hair, and her smaller softer ones reach around to cup my head firmly, holding me like I’m her lifeline.

We kiss, then kiss some more, taking and giving in equal measure.

She drags her lips from mine, her little pants whispering across my cheek. “Logan, you do know I’m not the same naïve little girl from high school. I want more than kisses.”

“I know,” I reply, then grab a firm hold of her chin and bring her lips back to mine to suck some more kisses from them.

She falls back onto the sofa, never loosening her grip on my head. I follow her down until I’m leaning over her, our legs now stretched out along the length of the sofa. Our bodies are pressed close against each other.

Chest to chest.

Hip to hip.

I know she can feel what she does to me, I can’t hold that back. For so long, I’ve wanted her in my arms like this that my cock pushes painfully hard against her thigh. It sucks that this is all the action it will be getting tonight. Then, even though it nearly kills me, I pull back a little, relaxing my hold on her so there’s a small gap at least between the lower half of our bodies.

Her head is now tucked into my chest. “Allie, I can’t fuck you tonight,” I grind out, and each word feels like a razor blade in my throat.

Her head jolts up, whacking me on the chin. The sudden hit of pain gives me the resolve I need to continue. “It’s not the right way for us to be together.”

“Logan, I want to forget. I want you to help me to forget.” Her voice is weak and fragile.

“I know. But we’re more than just a quick feel-good fuck.” I trail my fingers gently across her smooth soft cheek, still damp from her earlier tears. Her shoulders heave with a sharp intake of breath.

She nods. “Can you hug me still?”

“Of course.” My arms tighten around her again. I cup her chin in my palm and settle my lips back onto her. Her hands grip my shoulders, then she tilts her head back giving me access to her long slender neck. I trail kisses along her jawline and to the sensitive spot below her ear. She shivers in my arms, then curls closer into my side. Her hand rests on my chest, her fingers fiddling with the button on my shirt.

“Logan … thank you for listening,” she murmurs sleepily. I’m not surprised she’s exhausted, she cried a river of tears, her pain coming from a deep well. My own head is spinning trying to process her revelations. It blows my mind that Robert Dorman, one of the most famous embezzlers in recent years, is her father. I can’t believe I studied this case at college as one of my ethics classes. Mostly I researched the financial fraud aspects of the case but never looked into the man’s private life. I certainly never knew he had a daughter or that there had been death threats against the family.

Anger bubbles like a pit of lava in my stomach at the way Allie’s parents neglected her. I wish I’d known it back in high school. Maybe I could have been a better friend instead of acting out like the stupid teenage boy I was, ignoring her simply because I thought she had rejected me.

I’m sure her father’s still in prison. But I still have so many questions that I don’t think Allie will be able to answer. These threats now need to be taken more seriously with this background information. We’ll talk to Todd about it when he comes by on Monday.

Allie sighs in her sleep and my arm holds her a little tighter. I plan on doing everything in my power to keep her safe.
