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“You seem to be a little obsessed with my ass?” I question him while his large hand strokes over my butt cheek. If ever I needed an incentive to continue with my punishing exercise routine this man is it.

Tiny kisses pepper along my neck and I drop my shoulder to give him better access.

“I’m obsessed with lots of parts of you … but yes, your ass is a particular favorite.” He responds in a deep sleep-heavy voice close to my ear. I could get used to waking up beside him whispering sexy promises into my ear in that deep voice.

Smiling to myself, I wallow in his attention. My eyes half close. “That’s okay as long as you don’t put your dick in it,” I mumble.

He lifts his head higher, attempting to peer over my shoulder. “Really? That’s a shame.”

My eyes spring open. “What? … Ohhh.”

He muffles his laugh in the crook of my neck, following it with a teasing nip, then rolls me to my back so we’re facing each other. My cheeks are flushed just at the thought.

“You know I wouldn’t do anything you didn’t enjoy or want?” he asks, smiling at me and tracing a finger down my cheek.

I do trust him but … “I know. It’s just I’ve never done that before,” I admit and now he’s the one who looks surprised. I think he might have thought I was a lot more worldly than I am just because of the career I chose.

“And that’s fine, I don’t need to … stick my dick in your ass, as you put it. I’m very happy playing with your pussy.” His eyes are soft dark pools in the fading light of the afternoon, and I want to drown in them.

“I know it might have seemed like my life was wild, but I’ve really only had a couple of serious boyfriends.”

“Sunshine, you can’t imagine how happy that makes me.” He bends to kiss me, a long leisurely stroking of his lips over mine that soon turns heated. The sexual chemistry between us has finally been unleashed after all these years and there’s no holding back.


Time and a big dose of Logan’s lovemaking have eased the dark foreboding panic I felt a week ago over the threatening messages. Since I moved across the hall and we had hot afternoon sex, we’ve spent nearly every night together at mine or his.

Logan has cooked for me again and I even attempted to return the gesture. The kitchen is not my natural domain. Well, not when it comes to preparing food. Braced against the countertop while Logan pumps into me is a different story. Thinking about it now, that may have been the reason the meal turned into an inedible disastrous mess.

I feel like we are living in a blissful bubble of us, everyone and everything else pushed to the outer. I haven’t mentioned anything to my friends and Logan obviously hasn’t told his family, given the way he quickly let my hand go when we saw Hunter in the gym yesterday.

It's an unspoken agreement we seem to have reached and I don’t want to ruin it. Whatever is happening between Logan and I feels so precious I want to hold it to my heart for a little while longer. Reaching up with my hand, I bring his head down to mine for a lingering kiss.

Curled up together on the sofa watching a movie like this is something I could definitely get used to. Logan’s strong arms pull me tighter into his chest and I feel safe.

“What was that for?” he asks, a smile ticking up the corner of his lips.

“It was my way of saying good night; I should be going back to my apartment. It’s getting late,” I reply, then drop a light kiss over the spot where his dimple usually appears like a full stop at the end of his lips.

He pushes his glasses back into place from where I dislodged them with my kiss. He’s so hot with his glasses on. It’s so Logan-like, all studious concentration. Maybe he’ll wear them when we’re in bed next time, which sadly won’t be tonight.

Tomorrow, I have an early flight to Boston for an in-store promotion. It’s all part of the lingerie contract I signed. Luckily, it’s only a few stores in cities along the east coast so no overnights, just long days.

“I really don’t like the idea of you going away when we still have no idea who’s threatening you,” Logan grumbles. Poor guy’s protective personality cannot cope with my being that far away. If I had a choice, I’d cancel but that’s not how these contracts work.

“Logan, you know I have to do this, it’s my job.”

He gives me the same grumpy look he has given me every time I’ve mentioned my trip.

I sit up. “Logan, it’s fine. My manager will be with me the whole time. Besides, it’s been days since the last text.”

Todd is making good progress in tracing back through the call log on my cell and posts on the social media accounts. Although, I still have a flash of panic every morning before I check my phone. It worries me that I’ll wake to another message, but the more days that go by without any contact, the less likely it seems. The last couple of days I tried to convince myself that whoever it was had given up. But of course, that doesn’t make sense when it should have been impossible to find out who I am. Why after all that effort would they just give up?

In my heart, I know the threat hasn’t gone away. They’ve just gone quiet. Too quiet.

Logan sits up straighter, then cups his hands around my cheeks turning me to face him. “Allie, promise me you won’t let your guard down.”

“I promise. And, Logan, stop being so bossy,” I attempt to ease the tension, but it falls flat. He continues to stare intently at me, his glasses not filtering the concern that draws his brows down and darkens his eyes.
