Page 31 of Sampled

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Instead, he chortled. “Okay, I deserved that. I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.”

She raised her eyebrows archly, noting how he responded better to more forceful statements. “The door is over there. One of us is leaving, and it’s not me.”

His eyes, the same as Royce’s, yet still so different, bored into her. “I don’t know if you’re right for my brother, but you’re a far cry from that bitch he was with before, so I’ll give you a chance. Please don’t break him.”

And he walked out.

Vandy set down the bowl she hadn’t even realized she was holding, unsure of how to take any of the past ten minutes. Eventually, she remembered to put the dishes away. Then she heard Royce moving around on the couch.


His brilliant green eyes fluttered open. “What time is it?”

“After 7:00 on Friday night.”

“The whole first day of your visit. Whoa. What else did I miss?”

“Most of Robin Hood. Do you remember anything?”

“From today? Or my shift last night?”

“You got stabbed in the arm by falling ceiling. There was a big apartment fire.” She sat next to him and passed him his discharge summary.

“I remember my arm getting hurt. I remember part of the trip to the hospital. I think they gave me some morphine first.”

“The doctor said it took a lot to put you down.”

“I remember Sean and him and Casey arguing. And I remember kissing you. How did I get out of the hospital? Did I escape like in a zombie movie?” He fiddled with the hospital gown and scrub pants.

“Sean drove us home. You passed out when we got here, so he and I watched Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.”

“Did you like it more than Terminator?”

“There was a lot more explosions than I expected for thirteen century England, and Kevin Costner was the only guy who skipped the English accent.”

“Not everyone can be Arnold. Anything else happen while I was asleep?”

“Sean and I spent some time bonding.”

“Did he interrogate you? Did he do good cop/bad cop? Or go with full bad cop and no good cop?”

“Hey, he was worried about you!” Vandy had no idea why she was defending Sean.

“You wind up in eviction court one time, and your rap sheet is a mile long. What Sean really needs is—“

“His own dose of Versed. You were quite funny on it.”

“A good endorphin rush. Little sexual healing.” He used his good arm to gather her to him. “I wasn’t joking when I said I remembered kissing you.”

“What was that like?”

He hooked his thumbs on the straps of her sundress and pulled her toward him. Apparently, Versed hadn’t exaggerated his horniness. “Kind of felt like this.”

“I’m glad you’re safe,” she murmured. “But the doctor said we need to be careful. We probably shouldn’t.”

“Let me check the paperwork.” He rifled through the papers. “Monitor the wound for healing and regularly evaluate sensation in my arm. I have a few ideas on how to do this. Two weeks-worth of ideas.” He kissed her collarbone.

His touch gave her such lovely shivers. She began to waver. “Royce. You’re hurt. I promised I’d take care of you.”
