Page 48 of Captive Mate

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The fantasy. Had it been a premonition that I’d drawn to life? Or a warning?

When the beast shoved his fingers into his mouth, I shuddered to my very heated core, glancing toward the drawer where I had a set of knives my mother had found in a thrift shop years before.

Then the sounds he was making drew my attention once again. He was staring at me as he sucked his fingers, licking every drop of cream from them. All I could do was watch as the ice cream dripped one bead at a time onto the floor, his skin already melting every frozen globule.

Because he was the God of Fire.

Get a grip. This isn’t fantasy time. He’s not here to be your friend.

Swallowing hard, I realized Thor was looking at me and I used my eyes to try to get him to come closer. He was having none of it. Well, this was a quandary. My pup had wanted to rip into Skyler yet a truly dangerous beast he had no interest in. What did that say about the mysterious creature standing in the middle of my house? “What do you want?”

My unwanted barbaric guest said nothing, studying the kitchen as if he’d never seen anything like it. Mystery was right. For all my studies, I’d never run across the stories my father was talking about. Had humans shut down the rumors? Or had my father and others in his position provided damage control? They often hid enemies from the public eye, preferring to allow our civilization to live without being completely terrorized.

Zeus studied me more intently, allowing his heated gaze to fall to my feet. I’d never felt so undressed or hungered for in my life. But for sex or food? Oh, God. My mind was taking me to every horrible place.

“I’m going to ask you one more time. What. Do. You. Want?” I held the level of demand in my voice, trying to keep my shit together.

A sneer was his answer, which pushed my anger to a heightened level.

I had no clue what this beast wanted but the fact that he’d broken into my apartment didn’t sit well with me. The longer I waited to do something or try to get help, the more control the possible assassin could believe he had.

“Philipe, call the authorities,” I said quickly.

“Philipe,” the beast mimicked my exact tone, including with my hint of arrogance. “I was only testing to see if you were awake.” Oh, lord above. His voice sounded exactly like mine. Exactly, inflection by inflection.

“Why, yes, Sunny. I am always here if you require assistance,” Philipe answered. “Do you need me to contact the authorities? They will be here in two minutes and six seconds by my calculations.”

“No, but thank you,” Zeus said, still using my voice. Was there a twinkle in his eyes?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

“How did you do that?” I whispered. “And how dare you! This is my home. You’re not welcome here.”

Somehow, I knew he wasn’t going to answer. He exhaled and almost every muscle flinched. The beast was tense. Was he here alone? No, I doubted it. He’d come from a far distance. I knew every alien species in the galaxies we were sandwiched between. That was something else my father had taught me.

Know thine enemies.

My mother would say, ‘Don’t be caught with your pants down.’

I took a single step backward and he moved closer, allowing a solid whiff of his testosterone and masculinity to slide into my system.

Sadly, my mind was still in the gutter, envisioning being on my knees between his legs, waiting with a wide-open mouth until the drips fell into the back of my throat. Then I could almost see the sexy beast slathering me with the cream, taking his time feasting and quenching his thirst before driving his huge cock all the way into my womb.

I couldn’t help but wonder what his long double tongue could do to my pussy.

He chuckled almost like a human would and allowed his gaze to fall between my legs. Was the asshole able to read my mind?Lick me, hunk of a beast. Just lick me.

In response, he dragged that very strange tongue across his lips. Oh, my lord.

Oh, I had to get a grip.

“Just out of curiosity. You’re not from Fantasy World. Are you?” There was a hopeful tone in my voice.

The way he cocked his head, staring at me as if I’d been the one to turn into an alien was my answer.

“A fantasy someone purchased for me, maybe to try and take my mind off my cheating ex-boyfriend?”

Zeus remained quiet.
