Page 100 of Jonas

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I cover her hand with mine and meet her eyes. "It's not wrong. But that's not what you're doing Janey, and we both know it. You're running, baby." I let her process everything I say. A stubborn expression covers her face, and I shake my head. "No. Don't say it. Don't deny it. You won't talk to him. You won't let me in. You. Are. Running."

Her chin drops to her chest, and she draws in a shuddery breath. I tuck my finger under her chin, and bring her gaze back to mine. "If you want to run for the rest of your life, that's your choice. But please, Janey, please...take me with you. Stop pushing me outside. Stop keeping me separate."

Another shuddering breath. Then a sheen of tears fills her eyes. I put my palm on her cheek, loving the way she leans into me. She wets her lips, and it feels like the rest of the world goes silent for a moment while I wait for her to speak.

But it's not her voice that breaks the silence. It's Becca's. "No fucking way. It's not possible."

Kade raises his eyebrows and plants his hands on his hips. "You're the one that said it was plenty spacious. What's the issue?"

"The car is plenty spacious, if you're not filling it with giants. You won't fit," she says, sticking her chin out.

Colton, sitting in the passenger seat of the admittedly tiny car, laughs. "I bet we will. It's a hatchback. Sure, we wouldn't be able to drive anywhere, but we could fit."

I look down at Janey, and wink, then gently tug her toward my family. The rest of my brothers, Maya, Bree, and Holly, all join us.

"What's happening?" Bree asks.

"Kade bet Becca we could all fit in this car,” Colton says.

We all stare at the car, stunned. I immediately start running calculations on the cubic footage of the car.

“Wait," Nick asks, stopping next to Bree. She peeks up at him and then takes a tiny step closer. "All of us? Or..."

"Just the guys," Becca says cheerily. "Still, there's no damn way you'll fit in there. It's not physically possible. Besides, you're all a little creaky. It can't be good for your backs."

All of us stand up a little straighter.

"Creaky?" Micah says, frowning.

"Yeah, I mean, you're all getting older. And there would definitely need to be some contortions to get in there. One of you would definitely end up in traction."

There's a glint in Becca's eye, but it doesn't matter. She challenged us. She called us old and decrepit. There is no option but to prove her wrong.

"What do you get if you win?" I ask Kade. Every bet is about the stakes. Are the stakes worth it, or not? For this one, the stakes don't have to be that high. I can tell, just by looking at them, that all my brothers want to see if they can get in there.

"She'll get that one if I win." He points across the showroom to the top-of-the-line four-door sports sedan. Loaded with every bell and whistle...and safety feature.

"Done," I say, slapping my hands together. "Let's do this."

The glossy saleswoman, blonde hair slicked back and red lipstick perfectly painted on, steps closer to the group with a wrinkled brow. "I'd be happy to show you a larger vehicle. One more suited to your size." She waves her hands up and down, gesturing to our bodies.

I ignore her. So do the rest of my brothers. We approach the hatchback, and study the angles.

"We lay the seats back. Or fold them forward so there's more cargo room," Zach says.

"We don't even need to do that," Nick says confidently. "If we can get four of us in the seats, then one can go across our laps, and the last two will go in the hatch."

"The fuck?" Micah mutters. “Which two of us do you think will fit back there?" he signs.

We circle to the back and pop open the hatch, then all lean down to peer in. Colton twists in the passenger seat and stares back at us.

"It's gotta be Zach and Jonas. They're the leanest," he says, nodding like he has it all figured out.

"I hate to say it," Zach mumbles, "but he's probably right."

I groan and step back, taking a few deep breaths. "Ground rules," I say firmly. "If you have to fart, do it now." I look around at all my brothers, but make sure to lock eyes with Colton, and get his nod. He steps out of the car and heads for a corner of the dealership with some lame excuse to the saleswoman. We all watch as he casually slips behind a tall plant. I swear the plant shudders. Then he hurries back with a big smile and a thumbs up.

I give him a nod. "Let's do this."
