Page 101 of Jonas

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It's fine at first. The women crowd around, laughing. It doesn't matter. This is a point of pride now. We're getting in this damned car. Colton and Micah end up in the front seats, their knees pressed to their chests. Nick and Declan are in the back seat, only possible because the front seats are pushed all the way forward. Kade crawls in through the hatch and slithers his way into the backseat, on the guy's laps. His ass slaps Declan in the face, and there's a bunch of swearing, but finally, the two front doors are closed and the five of them are in.

Zach looks at me, then the hatchback, which honestly looks like it might fit Zach's torso, and nothing else. "We're going to have to stack. That's the only way. My ass, as sexy as it is, is not small enough to fit."

Becca wanders our way and stares into the car. She winks at Kade and blows him a kiss. He smirks and taunts her. "You're going down."

"Honey, let's be real. It looks like you're doing down right now." He stares at her dumbly, then the reality of his position, face down in Nick's lap, registers. He can't move but manages to shoot her a dirty look.

My competitive nature kicks into high gear. I turn my back on her. "I'm going to Spiderman on the roof. Then you slide in and slam the door shut."

Zach gives me a doubtful look, but he just waves me into the hatch. I climb in, and carefully place one foot on the back of the seat next to Decan's shoulder, and the other on the back pillar just inside the hatch. One hand on the other pillar and one on the headrest of Nick's seat, and I push up, pressing my back into the roof of the car.

"Now," I mutter to Zach, muscles straining.

He doesn't waste any time and slides into the car, his back to the seats. He tugs the hatch as he slides in, and tries to shut it. "It won't close. I can't curl up any more."

"Move your knees up toward me." He does, and I manage to reach down, nearly falling face first on top of him, and with my fingertips help him pull it shut.

The air in here is heated with way too many bodies. Together, we weigh more than the car. I'm aware of the women crowded around, laughing, and beyond them, a variety of other people.

"We did it," Kade crows from the middle seat. "Suck it Becca," he yells.

"Pop the trunk," I order Zach, muscles near failure. He does, but doesn't have time to crawl out before I drop on top of him. A high pitched wheeze escapes him.

"That was fun," I say, slapping his cheek, then sliding headfirst out of the car onto the cool tile floor of the dealership. I don't care how dirty it is. It's so much better than the closed confines of that car.

"Yeah, fun," Zach mutters, wincing as he climbs out of the car.

Kade slithers out the back too, and hops to his feet, and raises his arms over his head. "Ha! We won. You lose Bec. Time to pay the piper."

Becca steps forward with a sigh, and crosses her arms over her chest. "Oh well. You're right. I lost. I guess I'll take the really fancy car, with the gorgeous leather seats and the moon roof. Gosh, how ever will I cope." Her voice is dry, and Kade and I exchange glances.

"Yeah, Loser." Kade says stupidly.

Becca snorts out a laugh then turns to the wide eyed saleswoman. "Like I said, I'll take that one," she says, pointing to the one on display. "And you're going to give me such a good deal."

She wanders over to the car and strokes the sleek fender, a look of glee on her face. Kade looks back at me.

"She played me, didn't she?" he asks.

"Yes, it appears so."

"Fuck,” he groans, running a hand over his jaw. “You know, I used to be street-smart. I used to be jaded. How the fuck does she suck me in like that?"

Zach slaps a hand on his shoulder. "Brother," he says sympathetically, "you were never street-smart when it came to women. Face it, Becca is smarter than you, and probably always will be."

Kade scowls and backhands him in the stomach, making Zach whoosh out a laughing breath, then rushes to catch up with Becca. He grabs her in a bear hug and bites at her neck, making her squeal and laugh. He finally puts her down, and she turns, looking up at him with so much love in her face. She's not an easy woman, but she loves him deeply.

None of our women are easy, but they're all worth it.

Janey's small hand tucks into mine again. I turn my head to look down at her. She's looking at Kade and Becca, a small smile on her face. She sighs and turns to me, wrapping my hand in both of hers.

"Would you come home with me?" she asks in a rush of breath. "It's time I face my brother."



I press my hand to my stomach as Jonas rounds the car to my door. Being back here is a strange mix of comfortable and uncomfortable. This isn't the nicest area in the city, but it's not the worst. There are drug dealers out this afternoon, but there are also parents out with their kids. It's a weird mix of normal life and seedy underbelly, just like when I lived here.
