Page 40 of Jonas

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Jonas is a man on a mission.

I've been dragged through three different clothing stores, as well as a high-end lingerie shop. At each store, he'd pointedly move to the till, slap his card on top, and say the same thing. "She needs everything. Help her spend my money." Then he'd lean against the side of the counter and lock his eyes on me, tracking me around the room. The heat of his gaze warmed me straight through.

He seems to have unlimited energy. After I finally convinced him that the six bags of clothes and two bags of lingerie were enough, he ran them to the car, and then shifted focus to the toy store.

"They're definitely getting kicked out this time," Bree says with a snicker. Sure enough, the harried-looking store manager is bearing down on the men. They freeze, trying to look inconspicuous, but there's just no way. Zach's holding a slinky that's creeping to the floor. Declan and Jonas are holding foam swords and Nick is in the middle of tearing open a package of slime. The manager's face is red, a mixture of anger and blush I think. Just like the last two times she approached them, Nick turns on the charm. I don't know what he says, but as they talk the other men slowly side-step until they're out of sight, then bolt for the back of the store.

"I think she just gave him her phone number," I murmur, grinning.

Bree's mouth drops open. "Unbelievable. They're destroying her store, and all she can think about is getting in his pants." There's a hint of hurt in her voice that makes me turn to her. I put my hand on her knee, and ask the big question.

"Is there something going on between you and Nick?"

A slight tremor runs through her body, and she drops her gaze to the floor. "No," she says simply.

Nick tucks the woman's number in his back pocket, smiling until she walks away. Then, with a glance over at us, he pulls it back out and crumples it up, tucking it at the back of a shelf. I give him a small smile that he returns, before his focus moves to the top of Bree's head. The look on his face is too intimate.

Bree and I sit silently. I have lots of questions I'd love to ask, but now is not the time to push. I've always been able to sense what other people are feeling. And right now, sadness is pouring off Bree like a river over the edge of a cliff. She doesn't need questions or pushing. She just needs to not feel alone.

"I don't think I'll ever be able with someone again. It went too wrong last time. I missed so many red flags," her voice is muffled in her chest.

I put my hand gently on her back, and rub in big circles. I wish she never had to live that. I wish she wasn't still hurting. "I get it. I missed a lot too. It shakes your confidence.”

She finally raises her head, meeting my eyes. "I'm sorry that happened to you. Did Declan find him yet?"

My hand freezes on her back. "Ah...wait. He's looking?" I can't decide if I love or hate that idea. I want Keith, or whatever his name is, to pay, but I also never want to see him again.

I also want to kick him in the nuts.

So many feelings.

Bree cups her hands around her mouth. "Dec! Declan. I need you. Come here, dude."

The woman could make herself heard in a crowd of a thousand screaming hockey fans. Declan, Jonas and Zach jog over.

"What's up little Bee?" he asks, squatting in front of her. Jonas moves next to me and Zach puts himself in the middle of the two. Nick's at the counter buying something...maybe the slime.

She scowls at him. "Stop calling me that. That's Cara's nickname for me. I am not a little anything."

Declan puts his hands up in mock surrender, a smile playing on his lips. "Whatever you say...Bree."

She scrunches up her nose but lets it drop. "Are you looking for Janey's shitty ex? You are, aren't you?"

Declan side-eyes me, then looks up at Jonas, a question in his eyes. He must get the answer he's looking for in Jonas’s calm face because he nods. "Yeah, I'm looking. I'm running a few searches. It would help to have a photo of the guy. All I have is video footage of the car he'd pick you up in, and those plates are bogus. Do you have any on your phone?"

My stomach drops, and now I'm the one looking at the floor. "No. He took photos with his phone, but whenever I tried to take one, he'd kind of take over, and put it away. It seems a little suspicious looking back."

Jonas's warm hand cups the back of my head, his thumb brushes rhythmically over my hair. He doesn't say anything, but his touch is comforting, helping me chase away the shame.

"Declan will keep looking," Bree says, touching my arm. "If you have any other information about the guy, share it with him. He's good at digging up dirt."

I nod, and give Declan a wan smile. I can't talk about Keith anymore. It's exhausting.

Bree rubs my arm. "Hey, I have an idea," she says cheerily. "Why don't we ditch the guys and get pedicures while they screw around in the mall. My feet are tired, and I really need some festive toes."

Thanks to Jonas not so secretly slipping a bunch of those hundred-dollar bills in my wallet, I can afford it. It feels strange to take money from him, but when I tried to refuse, he just stared at me and said, 'husbands provide for their wives.' How am I supposed to argue with that? I let myself enjoy having cash in my wallet. The sense of security and safety it gives me is something I’ve really missed.

"I haven't had a pedicure in forever. It sounds amazing."
