Page 45 of Jonas

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I miss his touch and I’m reeling from how quickly he pulled away. ”Oh…I didn't realize. You seemed to be right in the middle of everything. You and your brothers are full of energy."

He smiles faintly, but now that I have a second to really look at him, I see the lines of stress around his eyes, and in the half-mast lids. "We are full of energy. My family requires it. They are chaos, and I've learned to ride the waves. But after a day like today, my battery is drained."

"I understand. I'll stay quiet. I might just grab a nap. Honestly, I'm exhausted and I would love the rest." I smile at him, even though I'm a little sad to lose his company. I really like talking to him.

He nods, and turns, stopping in the doorway of his bedroom. His shoulders tighten, the muscles of his back visible through his t-shirt. Where did his sweater go? "Janey...would you like to have a nap...with me?"

His invitation freezes me in place. Do I want to go in that bedroom and lie on that big bed next to the best man I know? "Yes," I say simply.

Jonas's shoulders drop, and he turns, holding out a hand for me. It's just a hand, it shouldn't feel like such a big deal, but as I walk toward him, the moment feels more weighted than my walk down the courtroom aisle. Stopping in front of him, I hesitate, my hand hovering over his palm.

"It's just a nap," he says, his voice low, and raspy. "You're not promising anything. You don't even have to touch me. But I'd really like you in my bed Janey."

There goes that full-body shiver. If only I weren't so tired, I could appreciate it. I put my hand in his and let him draw me into his room.



Don't be weird. Don't scare her.

I draw Janey to the side of the bed, and lower our joined hands to our sides. We both stare at my huge bed, the fluffy white comforter looking so inviting. I would normally take a flying leap, then burrow in.

"I don't know what to do now," I admit, feeling stupid. "I've never had a woman in here."

Janey sighs, and leans against my arm. It's still amazing to me that I like that so much. When Zach does it, it's fifty-fifty if I want to shove him away.

So far, with Janey, any touch is a good touch. A welcome touch. I hope that never changes, but realistically, I know there will come a moment when I'm in overload that I won't be able to stand it. I just hope I don't hurt her when that day comes.

"Your bed looks so comfortable. Do you have a favorite side?"

"I usually sleep near the bathroom. Would you like that side? I can move my things. It's no —“

"This side's good," she says, already leaning toward the mattress. I let her go, though it feels wrong, but she stops suddenly. "I should go change my shirt. I feel —“

I have been waiting for this moment for months. Ever since I saw it in a movie. But now, it's here, in my real life. I run to my closet and pull my favorite gray t-shirt off the hangar. It's nearly see-through, it's so old, but it's the softest, most comfortable thing I own, aside from the sweats with the big hole in the crotch.

"Here. You can wear my shirt." I thrust it toward her chest, and she takes it with wide eyes. "You can put it on in the closet or the bathroom." I wave my arms in those directions, looking like a scarecrow flapping in the wind. Finally, with a growing smile, she heads into the closet.

The door shuts briefly, just long enough for me to drop my arms and suck in a big breath. Stay cool. Don't ruin this. Seeing Janey in my clothes, specifically that shirt, has been one of my favorite thoughts over the last few months.

She's back quickly, and I'll never be able to look at that shirt again without thinking of her like this. Her hair tumbled over her shoulders, eyes sleepy, breasts pushing against the thin material. Is she wearing a bra? I try to peek without being creepy, but I don't know if I'm successful. And no, she's definitely not wearing a bra. "You're perfect."

The blush that stains her cheeks, her pleasure in my words, makes me feel taller.

I am not a words person. I don't always say the right thing, and I don't always think before I speak, but so far, by some miracle or twist of fate, I haven't alienated her by saying the wrong thing.

I throw back the comforter for her, and fluff her pillow. She climbs in, curling on her side, eyes closing as they hit the pillow. She looks small in my bed. Right.

I cover her carefully. Her murmured 'thanks' hits me right in the gut. This is right. I want more of this.

I hurry to the other side, the headache I'd been ignoring up until now, raging behind my eyes. Today was a lot, even by my family's standards. The mall was as bad as I imagined, but it was still worth it.

My Janey is wearing my ring.

And I have festive toes. I rub my feet along the carpet, sliding my socks off, and wiggle my toes, the silver color shining in the afternoon light, the little red ornaments on the big toes looking like something from the Grinch cartoon.

Ring shopping, a pedicure, buying clothes for my wife, and a fridge full of food. All new things. And so far, I'm holding up ok.
