Page 65 of Jonas

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She takes full advantage, digging her fingers in and tickling me. It's my turn to yell and attempt an escape. "No way, mister. You're not escaping me." She throws her leg over me and drops her weight onto my abdomen, clamping her legs on my sides.

I don't want to escape.


The heat of her core is so close to where I want her, I can't think. I'm all feeling. What would it feel like to be inside her? To have her wrapped around me? She digs her fingers into my ribs, snapping me from my thoughts, and I roll, flipping her onto her back.

Snatching her hands, I press them into the mattress with one of mine and brace myself with the other, then let my lower body drop onto her. Our position is intimate. More intimate than I imagined. I've been in this position with Becca, sparring at the Dojo. It doesn't feel anything like this.

It usually feels more like wrestling an octopus.

This is heaven. Or as close to heaven as I've ever been.

"Jonas?" Her tone is low and breathy.

"Can I kiss you?"

She licks her lips, staring, and after what must be half an hour, gives me a barely there nod. I'll take it. Keeping her wrists trapped with one hand, I lift the other and undo the next button on her pajamas.

"Ah! Wait. What are you doing?"

"Kissing you," I mumble. Using one finger, I undo the next button. Then slowly, like I'm unwrapping a present, I slide the material over. It stops, catching on her nipple, then surrenders, exposing all of her to my gaze. I don't let myself look for long, instead moving to the other side and repeating the reveal. Only when she's finally fully exposed to me do I look.

I have to remind myself to breathe as I take her in. "I know I said kiss, but I really want to touch too." I run my finger up her sternum and stop between her breasts. "Can I touch you, Janey?"

"Yes," she gasps. She nods, the repeated bobbing of her head making it clear that while she might have been surprised, she's also on board.

I tighten my hand around her wrists. "I want both my hands Janey. Leave yours here, yeah?"

I can see the whites all around her gorgeous blue-gray irises. She nods, and I carefully release her. She doesn't move other than flipping her hands to get a grip on the sheet.

Satisfied she's not going anywhere, I return my focus to the bounty laid out before me. The pale hills of her breasts are calling my name, I'm sure of it.

Finally, finally, I get to feel her.

It's better than I dreamt. She's soft but firm. I let myself shape, and play, cupping her, learning how she feels. I brush my thumbs over her nipples. She gasps and arches up, into my hands. I do it again, and again, loving the way she squirms and moans. Her head thrashes on the mattress, and her eyes are closed. She's lost in sensation, and so am I.

Every time she thrashes, her legs tighten around my hips. Every arch of her back presses her core into me. The fabric of my shorts and her thin bottoms are the only things keeping me from pushing into her. I've read enough about female arousal that I'm pretty sure I could convince her to let me in. I could get her there. She's so fucking responsive.

But I'm in this for life, not for a minute. When I finally get inside her, it's going to be because she wants it as much as I do.

I may not plan on taking her today, but I don't mind teasing her a little. I let myself grind into her.

Her legs tighten around me again and her eyes fly open on her gasp. "I thought you said you'd never tease me?"

"Apparently, I lied." I grind one more time and grin when she groans and rears up. Her hands let go of the sheet, and I grab them again, pressing them back down. "No, you don't. You promised."

"You're pissing me off," she says, scowling.

"I'm sorry, wife. Truly. Let me show you how much."

I dip down and finally press a kiss against her nipple. The pebbled texture is infinitely fascinating, so I pull it into my mouth, playing with it, rolling my tongue over it again and again. The rolling of her body increases, making me feel like I'm in a boat on rocking waves. Her pants and moans are louder, and I selfishly wish my apartment weren't so soundproofed. I'd really like my brothers to know how well I'm pleasing her. But I also don't want them anywhere near her when she's like this. So many confusing feelings.

In the end though, I guess it doesn't matter, as long as Janey is pleased.

A happy, well-satisfied Janey has to be good for our marriage.

I alternate, sucking and nibbling on one breast, then the other, until she shudders and, with a cry, presses up into me. Her hands fly down, pushing my head away, then she pulls me in, hugging me to her.
