Page 70 of Jonas

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He studies me carefully, but thankfully lets the subject drop. And as I peel a huge bowl of apples for dessert, I try to put my discomfort aside.

I don't do a very good job.



Janey and John move confidently in the kitchen, mashing and slicing. John’s shoulders are more relaxed, now that Colton’s stopped hovering. As they work quietly side by side, the air fills with rich scents that make my empty stomach growl. The empty feeling is a minor distraction. As a kid, I wouldn't have been able to ignore it. The worry about where the next meal was coming from, combined with the sensation, made it so I couldn't think about anything else.

Now, with enough food to feed an army being lined up buffet style at the island, I can ignore it. What I can't ignore is the easy way Janey and John seem to be with each other.

"You're staring," Ransom says, dropping into the dining chair beside me. He drops Mia onto his lap, but she squirms, slides off, and bolts for the kitchen. I'm ready to run after her, but Ransom grabs my arm. "Give it a second."

"He's snapped at everyone who walked into the kitchen, except Janey."

"I know. But I don't think he'll hurt Mia. Do you? Besides, if Evie's okay with it," he says, tipping his chin down the table to a calmly watching Evie, "then we should be too. That woman's instincts are dead on, and you know she'd tear John apart if she thought there was a chance he'd hurt her baby girl."

I settle back into my chair, because he's right. But I watch very carefully as Mia steps into the kitchen. I can't hear what she says, but the smile on Janey's face and the way John awkwardly blows on a small slice of turkey before popping it into Mia’s mouth makes it clear everything's fine.

"You're a little on edge today," he says, idly spinning an empty beer bottle on the table.

"Am I?"

He looks at me with his you're full of shit smile. "Is it Janey? Things aren't going the way you hoped?"

"Why is everyone so nosy? Are all families like this?"

"The good ones, yeah." I don't know much about Ransom's past. He doesn't really talk about it, but his eyes look far away whenever he thinks about the people he's lost. That look makes my stomach twist.

"She doesn't love me yet," I admit.

"After three days? Well fuck, man. Better give up now."

"Your sarcasm is annoying. Don't you have anything better to do?"

"Better than sit with my brother and tell him he's being an idiot? No, I don't."

I sigh, making sure he hears it, and is very aware that I am annoyed with him. He clearly doesn't care, laughing at me and leaning back in his chair.

"She's good with him. He's a cornered bear half the time, but Janey's a good influence on him."

"I know," I say flatly, staring at the both of them. "She is like a human weighted blanket, soothing everyone she meets."

Ransom chuckles. "Yeah, I guess you're right. That's what we hired her for, isn't it."

"Yes. But I don't like her soothing him."


"Because I like it better when her attention is on me. He's getting all her softness and smiles."

"You don't think there will be any left for you?"

"She smiles at me, but it's not like that. It does not light up her eyes."

He's quiet for a moment. "That makes sense," he says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why does it make sense? Why do I not get her easy smiles? I am her husband. She should be most comfortable with me.”
