Page 77 of Jonas

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"Are you ready to go home? This chaos will go on for hours yet." I turn to John. "You look tired and angry. You have worked very hard today, and made an excellent meal. You deserve some rest too."

Janey smiles at John, and gives him a little nod. I step back and give him room to stand. He hides it, but he's moving stiffly, and his mouth is pressed into a tight line. "Night, man," he rumbles, walking carefully toward the door. Everyone yells their goodbye, and Abby skips over to walk next to him, waving back at us over her head. Her head comes up to his shoulder, the bright pink of her hair is a jarring contrast to his black t-shirt. He looks down at her briefly, then they're gone.

"Are they...friends?" I ask, staring after them.

"I think they might be heading that direction." Janey pats the sofa next to her, and despite my desire to be alone with her, I sit. "Thank you," she says quietly, looking up at me through her eyelashes.

"You are welcome. For what?"

A low laugh. "For giving John an out. He's been looking strained."

"Yes. I saw that. Abby going with him will not help the strain I am afraid. That woman never stops talking."

"You don't like her?"

"I don't dislike her. I just find her annoying."

More laughter. "She has a big personality. Talks a lot." I nod. I have considered duct taping her mouth shut more than once, just to get a little peace. Zach told me that would be a bad idea, so I have restrained myself.

Janey casually drops her hand on my thigh as she shifts closer. "You're so warm," she murmurs. I am, and I'm getting hotter every second. Every muscle in my body locks up again, not wanting to scare her away.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to..." She starts to pull her hand away, but I grab it and press it to my thigh again.

"I don't want you going anywhere. I just have trouble concentrating when you touch me. It's quite distracting."

She smiles up at me, her hand relaxing under mine. "Welcome to dating. It's all breathless touches and putting your best foot forward."

"Are we dating? And both my feet are excellent."

"It means —“

"I know what it means. But I can't help myself. Every time you use language like that, my brain spins out."

"Do you want me to stop?"

"Is it something you can stop?" I've never considered asking someone to remove language from their vocabulary.

"Eventually, I'm sure I could remember to."

"But then you will be careful with your words, and maybe feel like you're changing for me."

She looks at me seriously. ”I think we're both going to have to change, at least a little bit, to make this work."

"Don't change the way you speak. I don't want you measuring each word before you talk."

"Okay then," she says, her smile growing. "You rushed over here pretty quickly. Did you need something?"

"I wanted to talk to you."

"I'm right here."

"I wanted to tell you —“

Suddenly, my brothers crash to the floor, yelling, clutching the apple crisp pan between them. "I didn't get any yet," Maverick growls, trying to yank the pan out of Nick and Micah's hands. A tugging match ensues, and Janey's giggles roll one after the other as we watch a collective seven hundred-plus pounds fight over an empty pan. I stand and tug Janey to her feet, and pull her to the door. She waves goodbye to everyone. I don't bother. We'll see them again tomorrow, I'm sure, so there's no point. Besides, no one is paying attention to us. They’re all too busy watching the dumbasses on the floor.

In minutes I'm shutting the door of my — our — apartment and engaging the privacy lock. I need peace. I need some alone — alone with Janey. Can you be alone and still be with your wife? I hope so, because I don't want to go anywhere without her, really.

I wipe my hands down my thighs and study her. "I have changed who I am for other people. I have given in. And I should not have judged you for it. I apologize."
