Page 18 of Nick

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The dance floor is packed, bodies writhing and grinding against each other in a way that's almost hypnotic. "Let's dance," Nick says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the throng of people.

The music is loud, and I can feel the bass thumping through my body as we make our way to the center of the dance floor. Nick wastes no time in pulling me close, his hands finding their way to my waist. I can't help but feel a jolt of excitement at the sensation of his warm hands on my skin.

We move together, our bodies swaying in time with the music. Nick's hips move in a way that's almost hypnotic, and I can't help but get lost in the rhythm. As we dance, I feel his hands start to wander, slowly inching their way up my back until they're tangled in my hair. He pulls me in closer, and I can feel his hot breath on my neck.

I turn to face him, and our eyes lock. There's a heat there that I haven't seen before, and I can feel myself getting lost in it. A moment before we cross that line, that line that can never be crossed, the music changes to something that has everyone in the club screaming and jumping. We freeze, eyes locked, until Nick breaks away. His chest rises with a big breath, and a slow exhale.

"Are you ready?" he asks seriously.

"I have no idea. Ready for what?"

"For this," he says dramatically, stepping back and shaking his ass, just like he promised me. He shakes his hips in a way that has everyone on the dance floor erupting in cheers. I can't help but laugh, watching as he throws himself into the moves with a confidence that surprises me.

It's not just confidence either; it's almost like he knows the music, knows the beat, and is able to use it to express himself in a way I've never seen before. He moves and grooves his body in a way that's mesmerizing. The man has rhythm, that's for damned sure, but he's also throwing in the most bizarre moves, making a fool of himself and making me laugh. He's like a force of nature, drawing people to him with his energy and charm.

The women around us are noticing him too, that's for damned sure. It's a good thing he didn't pull out these moves in Curves Ahead. I would have screwed up every drink order and Cara would have fired my ass.

"Come on Bree. Show me what you got," he says, one brow quirked in challenge.

"You want to see my moves? Really? You asked for it."

I pull out all the stops. The sprinkler, the grocery shopping, mowing the lawn, then a weird variation of the pee-pee dance. I'm hooked on Nick's laughter, on the way he throws his arms up, cheering me on with each new move. And I'm definitely hooked on the way he joins in with his very own version of every dance. We're completely ridiculous, the people around us giving us a wide berth so they're not hit with a flailing limb.

I'm panting, and sweaty, and wishing this would never end. That I could spend forever right here with this man, feeling this alive.

But all good things come to an end. And what feels like minutes, but is really hours later, we're spilling out of the club onto the street leaning against each other, gasping for breath. Nick tugs me toward the water, and we drop into the sand a few feet from the water, letting the breeze wash over our skin. My skin cools, my heartbeat settles, but my body is still pulsing with life. I'd forgotten how good it feels to be so free and so silly.

"Thank you," I murmur, eyes stinging. I don't look at him. I can't. But he needs to know how much I appreciate him.

"Anytime," he says just as quietly. "You're nearly there Bree."

I wrap my arms around my knees, and turn my head to look at him. "Nearly where?"

His smile is a little sad, and a lot knowing. "On the other side. You'll never go back to where you were before, but you will come out of this. You'll be changed, but that doesn't have to be a bad thing."

I rub my cheek on my shoulder and ponder his words. "I can't see how it can be a good thing. It was...terrible."

He nods. "I watch this show sometimes. It's about blacksmiths. Did you know how much they have to work the steel? They beat the shit out of it, hammering it over and over to build a killer blade. And it gets stronger. You're steel Bree. You got hammered. But you're coming out of it stronger."

"Stronger? I have panic attacks, Nick. I sleep with a nightlight. I'm terrified to get out of my car in the garage."

"And you still get up every day. You still go to work. You still live your life. Other people would crumble under all of that. But not you. You're still standing."

I clamp my lips shut against the denial on the tip of my tongue. I don't feel strong. I don't feel brave, or like there's light at the end of the tunnel...well, maybe I do right now, sitting on the beach in the moonlight. But day to day? That shit is still hard.

But I don't want to convince him I'm broken. I really don't. I'd rather pretend that he's right. Maybe, if I pretend long enough, it'll be true one day.

"There you guys are. Answer your fucking phone, man!" Declan drops into the sand next to me. "Shit, it's still hot out. How is it this hot at three in the morning. I don't get it." He pulls at the collar of his T-shirt, fanning himself.

Cara laughs, stopping in front of me, and holding out her hands. "I love it. My bones are finally warm. It's the first time in months!" She wiggles her fingers, waiting for me to put my hands in hers. "Let's go swimming Bee." Her eyes are lit with joy, and she's never been more beautiful, sex hair and all. I can't resist her, or her joy. I let her tug me up. She shimmy's away, tugging off her long white dress revealing a silvery bikini underneath. She tosses her dress at Declan's face.

I hesitate briefly. "Fuck it." I peel my short black dress over my head, revealing the tiniest bikini I own, the one Cara put in my suitcase. I didn't plan on wearing it, but I didn't see the harm in trying it on. The string bikini barely contains my breasts, and has a lot less ass coverage than I'm used to, but something came over me when I looked at myself in the mirror. It made me feel different. Sexy, desirable. I didn't see the harm in leaving it on underneath my dress.

Now, everyone's getting an eyeful. I don't look back at the men, just tossing my dress to the side, and walking toward the water like the sexiest man I know isn't staring at my ass. Don't you do it. Don't you dare turn around and look at him.

I'm weak, what can I say? As the water laps gently at my thighs, I glance back and find Nick's eyes locked on me.

I can't even blame the way my breath catches in my throat on the shock of the water.
