Page 33 of Nick

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I pat her hand and smile, "That's good," then close my eyes again. A pinch to my cheek forces my eyes back open. "What? Don't be mean Bree. I like sweet Bree better."

"You won't ever see sweet Bree again if you don't start explaining."

"Fine. You're so mean." She really is. But she smells so good. I wonder if that's just sweat or something else. It's a smell I want to roll around in. Or more specifically, roll around with her, preferably in my bed.

"Dammit Nick. Why did Declan ask you to be my friend?"

"Because he wants to move your sister into his house so they can bang like bunnies."

She's quiet so long, I crack an eye to look at her. I can't identify the look on her face, other than to know it's wrong.

"And he can't do that because of me?"

I shake my head, but stop pretty damn quick when a wave of nausea washes through me. That was a very bad idea. I hold still when I answer her. "Nah. He's worried about you, but Cara is too, so he doesn't want to ask her and make her choose between you two. He's soooo in looove. He's all coo-coo over your sister. It's kinda gross, and kinda nice, you know?"

"Yeah, I know."

I pry my eyes open...okay, just one eye. The other sucker's stuck shut. "Declan's not being a dick, promise."

"I don't think he's being a dick. Of course he wants to move in with her. I'm sure she wants that too...or she would if she wasn't worried about me. She's put her whole life on hold for me, and now she's doing it again."



I feel sick. Sicker than I've ever felt for real. Not even the great flu episode of 2018 felt this bad. All because Nick is high as a kite and dropped a truth bomb on me. Mixed in with the embarrassment that Nick's been spending time with me just because Declan asked him to, is sadness that yet again, Cara is sacrificing herself for me. How much more of her own life will she give up for me?

"What's happening with your face? What's that?" Nick asks, waving a finger in a big circle around my nose. How much of all of this is he going to remember? In my experience with some of my patients in the hospital, not much of it. Which is why I don't bother pretending I'm okay.

"I wish I weren't fucked up. I wish that Cara could live her life without worrying about me. I don't want her putting everything on hold. And I really wish your friendship wasn't a lie."

"Ah Bree, he says, mouth twisting, "everyone's fucked up."

"Yeah, maybe. But not like me. I still sleep with the light on and my bedroom door open. Sometimes I crawl into Cara's bed with her, just because I can't be alone. There's no way she's going to move in with Declan if I keep doing that." It shouldn't be a big deal. Just stop going into her room. Sounds easy. But when the nightmares are howling, and I swear Tyler's screaming my name, I crack. I can't be alone.

But I can't keep using Cara as a crutch. She deserves to live her own life. This is bad. So bad, Declan had to drag his brother into it. "I'm sorry Declan made you hang out with me."

Nick scowls, or tries to, but his eyebrows end up dancing instead, making him look like a mischievous little boy. "Declan didn't make me do anything. I like being with you Bree. You're fun, and easy to talk to, and can really hold your liquor. You're just like a guy."

Well, if that isn't the best compliment. I'm just like a guy. Exactly what a woman wants to hear from the sexiest man on the planet. I force a smile, and he grins, laying his head back down, the big dope.

"You don't have to spend time with me Nick. You're off the hook."

He scowls, opening his mouth to reply when the doctor enters. We've only been here a short while, and he's already being seen. I guess it pays to have your name on the hospital. I wonder if billionaires take priority over gunshots?

Now I'm just being mean, and I know it. Everything I know about these guys tells me they're good, and would never want a doctor to prioritize them over someone who's in a bad way, even if they are crazy rich.

The doctor's efficient, reviewing the X-rays, and with the help of a very large nurse, has Nick's shoulder back in place in no time. She puts a prescription in his hand, and signs his discharge papers. It's a win-win I guess. He's out of here, and the bed is freed up for someone who needs it more.

On the walk to the car, Nick's humming a low melody. It's familiar, tickling the back of my brain, making me think of heat and sweat, and dancing. I wish I could go back there, back then. Back before I realized how selfish I am. Back to the time when Cara and Declan could just be wrapped up in each other, without worrying about me blocking their future.

I'm lucky I'm strong, because Nick's nearly deadweight by the time I get him into the elevator at home. I punch the button for his floor, then lean him up against the wall, letting myself rest against him for just a second. "I was afraid I'd have to leave you in the car to sleep off the meds."

"Nah. I'm good now."

I snort. "Sure you are, you could barely..." I get a good look at his face, and my words die in my throat. Nick's gaze is clear and sharp, the drugged up haze nowhere to be found. A little grin twitches the corner of his lush mouth.

"You big faker," I mumble, pushing away from him. His arm, the one not in a sling, bands around me so quickly, I don't manage to get anywhere.
