Page 75 of Nick

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Pushing her thighs wide, I slide between them, my mind consumed by her. Desperate to be inside her, I push.

It takes me way too long to figure out what's going on. I actually have to look down to see what the problem is. Bree's body is shaking, but it's not desire this time. It's laughter.

I don't blame her.

"Um," I mutter, looking down into those shining blue eyes. "I should probably take my underwear off."

Reluctantly, I pull away and stand by the side of the bed. I drop my underwear, conscious of her watching me, her legs sliding restlessly on the bed.

My brain is a bright green neon sign flashing 'take her' but I wrestle back control for a moment, and grab my pants off the floor, slide my wallet out of the back pocket, and pull out a condom.

Bree's watching me carefully. "You don't need that," she tells me. "I'm clean, and I haven't been with anyone in...well, I'm clean."

"I am too." I don't tell her that it's been nearly as long for me as for her. After I met her, I think I hooked up one or two more times. But something changed for me. Those encounters left me feeling empty in a way they never had before. So I just...stopped.

I drop the hand holding the condom to my side and take her in. The rumpled hair, the flushed cheeks, the hooded eyes. She's a knockout. She doesn't shy away, letting me look. She doesn't pose or suck in her tummy or try to hide. She just sits, comfortable in her skin, basking in the obvious lust on my face.

"I was so afraid that you wouldn't be able to do this," I admit.

Her head tilts questioningly. "Do what?"

"This. Be so comfortable with me. With sex. I...I didn't know how far things went with Tyler and if there was some...trauma around sex."

She reaches out her hand, taking mine, pulling me down onto the bed with her. We stretch out on our sides, and I pull her close, lining up our bodies. Her hands come to my cheeks. "That didn't happen. Things in the bedroom were ok. Not the kind of hot that we are together, but ok. He never hurt me that way. Nobody has."

I shudder with relief and drop my forehead to hers. I've spent too many nights making myself sick, worrying about all the ways he might have hurt her. "Thank fuck Bree. I worried about that so fucking much. I didn't want to scare you or do something that made you panic."

"You won't, promise. And honestly? I like sex. I've missed it. and I'd really like you to fuck me. Enough talking."

She's laughing as she says it, and I grin back. "Yes Ma'am. Whatever you say."

I've never taken a woman without a condom, but when she throws her top leg over my thigh, opening herself to me, I don't hesitate to slide in. It takes a little work. She's wet, but I'm big. I run through the alphabet backward to keep myself from blowing. She feels so fucking amazing, and I’m not even all the way inside. Finally, with one last glide, she takes all of me with a sharp intake of breath.

I'm gentle at first, taking my time to let her get used to me. But when she wraps her legs around me and orders me to go harder, I stop holding back. She doesn't need me to. She's right here with me, and she's making it pretty damned obvious that she can take anything I can dish out. All my worries about hurting her or doing something wrong are long gone.

She feels so good around me that soon we're both lost in the pleasure of the moment. Her hips are rising up to meet mine as we move together, our slick bodies sliding against each other in perfect synchronization.

She doesn't make me guess, telling me when something feels good, when she wants more, or harder. She's bossy as fuck, and I love it. And I give her exactly what she asks for, and more, until her breaths are one long continuous moan and she has a death grip on my hair.

That bite of pain propels my hips harder, faster. Covered in sweat, our bodies glide and slap. I'm covered in her, and she's covered in me.

And when we finally break, when all our tension coalesces into one big explosion, I'm almost sad. I wanted to stay here like this, with her, for the rest of my life.

"Nick, oh my god, that was" she trails off, staring at the ceiling with a goofy grin. Her arms and legs are spread straight out, where they fell after she came down. I drop down beside her, holding her hand in mine.

"I know," I say with feeling. I don't have the words either.

She closes her eyes, a silly smile on her face. I don't close mine. I'm just going to lay here for the rest of the afternoon and watch her.

Ok, not for the rest of the afternoon, but for the next little while.

Then I'm going to drag her on top of me and make her ride me.

Less than ten minutes later, three quick texts from my phone have me surging to my feet with a yell. "Baby! That's the baby text thread!" I trip over the end of the bed and land with painful grunt on the floor. I yank my jeans to me, searching my pockets, pulling out my phone with a triumphant cry.

Micah: It's time. Holly's water broke. She's been having contractions all day and didn't tell me. We're going to the hospital. Meet us in the garage now!

"This is not a drill," I yell at Bree, scrambling into my pants and yanking my shirt over my head.
