Page 76 of Nick

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"Holly?" She jumps out of bed, breasts bouncing, and for a second I contemplate ignoring the text. Just for a second though,! "The baby's coming?"

"Yes! Now, right now. We have to get to the garage."

"Wait, everyone's going?" she asks, spinning in a circle as she puts on her bra.

I toss her shirt to her. "Hell yeah we are."

She laughs and pulls her shirt over her magnificent breasts. "Well let's go then." I run through the apartment, shove my feet into my shoes and tumble out the door, automatically closing behind me, only to freeze.

Janey and Abby are standing the hallway, eyes wide and locked on me. I'm trying to figure out how to play this. Maybe I could say I was just checking on Bree or—

Abby chokes out a laugh and points at me. "Your pants are on backward dude," she says.

Panicked, I look down and get a clear view of my back pocket. Shit, how the hell did I miss that? Why didn't Bree warn me? I wheeze out a laugh, realizing there is no salvaging this situation.

Things get so much worse when Bree's door opens behind me.



The baby's coming. A new life, a new little member of the family. I don't want to miss this. My body is still thrumming, and I wish we were interrupted an hour or two later. I would have liked a second helping.

I grunt as I get my boots on, then swing open the door, wondering if Nick's still there, or if he's abandoned me in his excitement. I wouldn't blame him. He's all about the babies. Watching him with Mia is about the hottest thing I've ever seen.

My smile dies as I stop in the doorway, horrified at the scene in front of me. Nick, hair sticking straight up, is staring at Janey and Abby. Both women are smiling, but Janey's trying to hide it behind her hand. Everything that could go wrong flashes in front of my eyes. I see everything Nick and I are starting to build getting kicked over the way a grumpy toddler would knock over a tower of blocks. I won't let that happen.

I pin Abby with a glare. "You saw nothing. You got it?"

Abby grins, then mimes zipping her lips shut and locking them with a key. It'll have to be enough. I don't know her well enough to know if she'll actually keep her mouth shut, but it's a short term problem. Today was a revelation. Being with Nick, feeling so free to be who I am around him is healing. I'm done hiding. I'm telling Cara. But on my terms, when I'm ready. I won't be forced into it.

But now clearly isn't the moment. We're having a baby!

Just when I think we're okay, John and Jonas collide in John's doorway, shoving, trying to get through at the same time. They're shoving and swearing, but both manage to pop through. I freeze as the men catalog us. John's gaze travels over us, over Nick's sex hair, knowing. Jonas blinks slowly, then a spark of mischief lights his eyes. "You guys had sex," he says without a hint of inflection. "Nick, you are so dead."

Nick points a finger at Jonas. "Not one word. Promise me Jonas. If you tell anyone anything, I will break into your house and throw your Death Star on the ground.

Jonas gasps and presses his hand to his chest. "You wouldn't dare."

Nick takes a few steps closer until he's toe to toe with Jonas. "I would. In a heartbeat. Bree and I will tell people when we're ready, not before."

Jonas looks like he's got more to say, but Janey's hand touches his back. "You and Bree," she says quietly, her smile breaking free. "He won't say a word, I promise. And can I just say...I love this." She's beaming, and my shoulders relax. That's a better reaction than I honestly expected. If we're lucky, everyone else feels the same way.

"Baby!" John says, a hint of exasperation in his voice. An electric shock runs through Jonas and Nick. They whirl and slap at the elevator button. John hangs back and glances at Abby's door as it softly closes behind her. He shakes his head and wanders over to us.

"You and Nick huh?" he says, staring at the back of everyone's head. "Saw that coming."

"You did?"

"Yeah. The man looks at you the way the men in prison look at dessert. Like it's the best thing they'll lay eyes on all day."

"Oh," I say quietly, smiling down at my feet. "That's nice to hear."

John grunts. "You look at him like you wonder what he tastes like."

I choke out a laugh and cover my eyes. The ding of the elevator and a cacophony of voices brings my gaze up. More laughter erupts. Maverick's standing there, hugging what has to be the largest teddy bear ever made. The head is touching the ceiling. "Oh my god," I say, trying to stifle my laughter. Janey turns her back to the elevator and covers her mouth with both hands, shoulders shaking. Her eyes meet mine and I have to bite my lip to get a hold of myself.

Jonas and Nick aren't laughing. Nope, they're admiring the bear and attempting to squeeze into the car with it. They manage it, but Nick's body nearly disappears into the bears bulk.
