Page 88 of Nick

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I'm also the one that gets to spend the rest of my life loving him back. On the surface, it seems crazy to say that. We've only been intimate for a short time. We haven't even officially had sex yet. We just admitted we love each other today. But I know it in my heart that this is it for me. I don't care how cliché or weird it sounds to anyone else. The same part of me that knows Cara will come around also knows Nick is my future. It's a simple fact. Inarguable. Indisputable.

Nick had a rough start. They all did, but looking at everyone in that waiting room, it makes sense that he is who he is. Because despite the death and pain of his past, he's become a part of this amazing, supportive, interfering family. If the Brash Brothers are experts at anything, it's loving each other.

I've gotten to be a part of that, but on the periphery. Not because they wouldn't have welcomed me in, but because I didn't know if I wanted it. I didn't know if I wanted those ties. Connection means pain sometimes, just like Wes felt watching his wife lay in that hospital bed. But the joys? I'm realizing they far outweigh the pain.

Nick's questioning gaze meets mine, and I send him a smile and a wink. He grins and wanders my way, hauling Mia under his arm, her bright giggles making the air between us shimmer.

"Well hello beautiful lady," Nick says, "what's your name?"

Mia, still under his arm, head dangling by his thigh, laughs harder. "Uncle Nick! It Bree!" she says. The uncle comes out like unca and my name ends up sounding like Bwee. Her words have been getting clearer over the last six months, but I'm glad I'm still Bwee. I haven't been around many kids, but if they're all like Mia, I definitely want some.

"Bree?" Nick says excitedly. "Where is she?" He spins one way then the other. "Bree? Where did you go?"

Mia is nearly breathless with laughter by this point, her hair flying out in a halo of dark curls every time he spins. A little worried for her, honestly, I reach for her, pulling her into my lap. She wobbles, then face plants right into my boobs.

"You're going to make her puke," I tell him, rubbing her back slowly. She sighs and nuzzles her cheek in.

"You boobies comfy too. Big time cushy," she says dreamily. A startled laugh escapes, and my mouth drops open. Nicks bent over laughing so hard his face is turning red.

"Damn Mia," he gasps. "You really have a knack for stating the obvious."

I press a kiss to the top of her head, hiding my smile. I’m not surprised. Mia’s shown vocal appreciation for most of the women’s breasts. She even called Becca’s pillows once. Nick's laughter fades and his face turns serious. "She looks good on you, Bree," he says softly.

Our future is in his eyes. He's imagining rocking our babies, kissing their soft heads, and so am I.

Told you. Makes no sense, and yet, it makes perfect sense.

"It's a boy!" Evie's voice is exultant and brings everyone's attention to her.

Pandemonium breaks out as everyone rushes to her, begging for more information. She looks exhausted. I stand, still holding Mia and with his hand at the small of my back, Nick guides us over too.

"I get you're all excited, but if you don't step back, I'm gonna yell," Evie says firmly.

Dead silence, and all the men take one step back. Evie is not afraid to wield that mom energy when she needs to, and the guys all seem to not just respect it, but actually enjoy it. Every time she scolds them, they look happy.

Colton's the only one that stays close, moving to Evie's back and putting his hands on her shoulders, kneading the muscles there. Evie groans and drops her head. "Thanks, Baby," she says softly, letting her massive husband take some of the load she's been carrying all day. She covers one of Colton's hands, and presses a grateful kiss there, then smiles at the anxious faces around her.

"Holly is an absolute freak of nature. She sailed through delivery, pushing that boy out so efficiently, the doctor basically stood back and took notes." We laugh, perfectly able to imagine it. Holly's confidence was growing, blossoming under Micah's love, but when she got pregnant, a whole new mama bear showed up. I'm relieved she's okay, and impressed she handled everything so well.

"The baby?" Ransom prods gently.

She smiles at him. "Entered the world screaming at the top of his lungs. Eight pounds, three ounces. Twenty-two inches."

"That's long, right? He's above the curve, isn't he?" Kade asks, looking pleased, like he's personally responsible for the baby's impressive size.

Evie sighs and rests her hands on her hips. "He's a big boy. Long and scrawny, and hasn't stopped nursing since he came out. Holly's got her hands full with that one."

Kade hoots and claps his hands in excitement. "A boob man. He's ours for sure."

And doesn't that just say it all? Micah and Holly made that baby, but it doesn't matter. Just like it doesn't matter that Mia's not Colton's by blood. For these men, family is a choice.

And what a blessing that is.

We all celebrate, hugging. Ransom passes out chocolate cigars to everyone, plus a few other folks in the waiting room. The mood is joyous and any lingering tension is washed away, thanks to that little baby.

The men are all smiling, slapping backs, and laughing, but I don't miss Ransom pulling Nick into the corner. And I don't miss the serious look on Nick's face.

Looks like it's time for that conversation.
