Page 91 of Nick

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"John's right," Ransom admits, stretching his long legs in front of him. "We've been more separate lately. We used to spend most of our time together, and now we don't. I," he frowns, and brushes at the pleat on his thigh. "I don't want us to lose each other."

"Not going to happen," Zach says firmly. "We're family. That's not going to change. But life will look a little different in the future. That's inevitable."

Ransom nods, but doesn't look convinced. "And what happens when you outgrow your apartments?"

We trade glances because the man has a point. "I don't know," I tell him, "but worrying about that right now seems like a shitty use of time."

"But that's what I do, brother. I think five and ten years out. I have to. And I see it already. The day that one of you comes to me telling me you need more space. Saying you want something different. And before you know it, we're scattered. Family dinners will happen less and less."

"I don't want that," Jonas says fiercely.

Colton rubs the back of his neck. "Neither do I."

Ransom's smile is sad and knowing. "Change is inevitable, remember?"

"Maybe," Zach says, slapping his hands on the floor and jumping to his feet. "But we'll figure it out. We always do. We prioritize what we've built, and we'll be okay. Right?"

He gets nods from everyone. Promises that yes, even if we need something different, we're going to make our family a priority.

We can do that. We're fantastic at it, actually. We just need to find our way back there.



Chapter 39 Bree

The guys disappear into a room somewhere and I'm now sort of alone with Cara. Evie's still here, though she looks like she's fallen asleep with Mia on her chest. Maya and Janey are talking quietly in the corner, and Becca's gone to meet the baby.

Not gonna lie, I really want a snuggle, but I can wait for them to get home. I can't imagine how exhausted Holly is. So I'll just sit here, a few seats away from Cara, and not talk. That's not awkward at all.

I don't know if she's expecting an apology or an explanation, but I stand by everything I said. It's not her business. Well, okay, it is, but only to the extent that any sister would share. When she shakes off this helicopter mom energy, then maybe we can actually talk.

Becca drifts into the room, a goofy grin on her face. "That little dude is so stinking cute. And he smells amazing!" She points at Cara and me, "you're up. Go in together. Holly's getting tired, but she still wants to see everyone."

"Really? I thought I'd wait a couple of days until they're settled at home."

"Yep. I filled her in on some of the waiting room drama, and she's got questions." She drops down into a chair, grinning. "Off you go. Right now. Chop chop."

I stand and slowly make my way down the hall, conscious of Cara's presence behind me. She's wearing regular shoes today, and it's weird to walk beside her and be the same size. We get to their room and I tap softly on the door, waiting for Micah's 'come in' to push the door open.

The entire room is glowing. Some of it's the lights, but most of it is the pure joy radiation from the three people in the room. Micah stands from his spot next to the bed and comes over for hugs. He wraps me up in his huge arms, and I can feel the joy and relief in his embrace. His face is wreathed in a smile that makes the bags under his eyes look smaller. He moves to Cara, hugging her just as tightly, and I step around them, sinking into the chair he vacated.

Holly looks like a queen. Far from the exhausted wreck I expected to find, she looks like she just had a day at the spa. Her hair is a golden halo around her head, and her cheeks are flushed with color. Her blue eyes are sparkling as she glances from me to the baby at her breast.

Tears immediately prick my eyes. "You had a baby!" I say, sniffing. Holly smiles and pulls back the blankets, giving me a look at his smooshy face. "Oh my gosh, he's so tiny."

"Thank you, Jesus," Holly says with feeling, making me laugh.

"You were worried I take it?"

"I'd never admit it to Micah, but yes, I was worried. According to Becca, I have birthing hips, so I hoped it would be okay, but you just never know what life is going to spring on you."

"No," I say quietly. "You don't."

Cara and Micah come over. Micah circles the bed and hovers protectively at Holly's side. One big hand cups his son's head. His hand is big enough to wrap around the baby's entire head, and the difference in size is a little jarring.

Cara blinks back tears, and she pushes in to admire the baby. "What's his name?"
