Page 96 of Nick

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I’m watching Abby’s face, so I wince at the pain that flashes across it. John just broke something. Something big.

And he’s too in his own fucking head to realise it.

“You’re right,” she says quietly. Quieter than I've ever heard her. “I don’t know what I was thinking. It’s none of my business. I thought we were friends, but as you’ve just made abundantly clear, we’re not. So thanks for letting me know.” She drops her arms and backs up toward her door. “I’ll stay out of your hair.” She turns, and pushes open her apartment door. “Good luck with everything John.” The door closes behind her with a snick.

Bree makes a low sound. Her face wreathed in concern, she’s watching John. I switch my gaze to him, and get just a glimpse of devastation before it’s hidden behind his perpetual scowl. He pins me with a glare. “You done watching the fucking show?”

Okay, he’s clearly in a mood. The fuck off vibes are strong with this one, and he is not in a mood to talk about anything. He’s going to need to stew for a few hours. But later, maybe at the party, I can get a little out of him.

Bree doesn’t share the same view apparently. “You better be careful John,” she says, wincing. “From what I can tell, Abby’s a damned good friend. And I don’t think you can afford to lose her.”

John’s face goes blank. There’s nothing there. It’s something I haven’t seen from him since he first got out. “I’m not the kind of friend she needs. She’s better off without me.”

He turns without another word, and disappears back into his apartment. Bree frowns, and opens her door. I follow her in and put my coffee down on the counter. She drops into a chair at the table and scowls at the scratched top.


She looks at me, a worried smile creasing her face. “I wonder what happened?”

“I’m not sure. But I don’t think you need to worry about it love.”

She idly twists her coffee cup. “I don’t know how not to worry. They seemed close. But that argument sounded pretty permanent.”

I drop into the chair next to her and pull her into my arms. “You don’t need to worry. I promise.”

“How can you know that?”

“Because it’s what I do. I know people Bree. John’s going to fix it, he just needs a little help getting there.”

She pulls back to look at me. “And you’re going to help him?”

“Yep. We’ll get it sorted tonight.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because that man is one hundred percent in love with Abby. And my brothers and I are going to help him get his head out of his ass.”

A slow smile curves her lips.

“Can I watch?”
