Page 34 of A Tent For Two

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Those words were a slap in the face. In love? Miles thought Beckett only had a crush on the guy. His stomach roiled.

“‘Taken’. That’s past tense,” Miles croaked, grateful Beckett couldn’t see his expression. “So he’s figured it out?”

“He did. Very recently.”

“Oh. That’s nice. Did you confess to him?”

“In a way. I kissed him.”

“Did he kiss you back?”

“Very enthusiastically.”

“Of course, he did,” Miles muttered. “So you’re together now?”

“I think so. We haven’t talked about it properly but…” he trailed off when Miles started tapping his chest. “Are you okay?”

“Put me down please.”

Beckett hesitated, then lowered himself so Miles could step into the ocean. He shivered as the chilly water washed over his stomach and crossed his arms.

Beckett turned around, and his brow creased when he saw Miles’s expression. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Miles said and tried to curve the corners of his lips upwards. It was difficult to do, especially when his body felt as heavy as a ship anchor. “I’m happy for you.”

“You’re upset.”

“I’m not upset.” He wasn’t. “Maybe I’m a tiny, tiny bit jealous.”

And when he said jealous, he meant it in a totally normal way, the way anyone would feel if they found out their best friend had fallen in love. Not because the thought of Beckett kissing someone else, touching someone else, holding someone else’s hand made Miles feel sick. No. Not at all.

Beckett’s lips quirked into a smile, but it disappeared after a second. He took a step towards Miles. “You’re still playing along, right?”

Miles took a step back. He couldn’t be close to Beckett. Not now. “Playing along with what?”

Beckett frowned. “Miles.”


“Stop it.”

Miles blinked at him. “Stop what?”

“Either you’ve got Oscar-winning level acting skills or you actually…” Beckett trailed off. “You know that guy I was talking about?”

“The guy you’re in love with?” Miles asked, unable to keep the glumness out of his voice. “What about him?”

“Tell me his name.” Beckett looked panicked, and it startled Miles into taking another step back.

“I don’t know. You didn’t tell me.”

“You really don’t know?”

“Should I?”

Beckett stared at him as if he was trying to send a telepathic message Miles couldn’t decipher. “Why did you kiss me?”

The back of Miles’s neck burned hot. “You kissed me first,” he said.
