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“We humans might be different, but I’m more than sure. I woke up this morning hoping this would work out. When do you want me to come?”

I jumped to answer. Eager didn’t even begin to describe how much I wanted her here—yesterday. “As soon as you can. We will pay for the flight. Everything.”

A rose-red blush filled her beautifully rounded cheeks. “I can pay for my flights. I’m ready, guys. I’m ready for you both.”

Chapter Twelve


It seemed like a good idea at the time. Letting my boxes go into storage while I used most of the funds I had to buy a plane ticket to meet two complete strangers and see if we could make a life together. Two polar bear shifters.

I pictured the polar bears I’d seen in all those documentaries. Fierce predators of the north. That one town where they pretty much took over the place every year. What made me think I could just cross the country and move in with two men who spent part of their time in that form?

My high school boyfriend had never shifted in front of me or really even talked about it. I knew what he was, but we weren’t serious, just casually dating, and it was easy to forget. But this time, I was going to be living under the same roof with them. And that…might be just a little bit scary.

I mean, what did I know about them? Bringing up the app, I looked at their profiles again. We’d been talking almost nonstop since I agreed to come, and they were so kind and funny and of course beyond hot. But did that mean it was a good idea to make such a big leap? Not that I had a lot of options, but was it fair to them to go based on that?

But it wasn’t the whole reason, of course. No…I’d fallen hard for these two guys the first time we spoke, and I genuinely believed there might be something there for us. And when the plane landed, which it was about to to do, they would be there waiting for me. I owed them at least a goodbye before I… Did what? Begged the airline for a free flight back to where I had no place to go. Move into the storage unit with my boxes? I was pretty sure that was illegal, and I knew it would be awful.

I hadn’t really gotten on the plane because of no place to go, and I couldn’t let my nervousness make me forget that. If I was going to start a new life, with two men every single one of those bitchy bridesmaids from Claude’s side of the family would kill me to get for themselves…where was I going with this?

The pilot turned on the seat belt sign and I tried some deep breathing. My new life was about to start, and now was not the time to lose courage. What would Nacho and Riggs think if they faced a shaking, pale heroine from a gothic novel? That was not me, had never been me. Sure, I’d made mistakes. Kind of big ones in fact. I’d allowed Claude’s mother to bully me into the wedding of her choice instead of insisting on the small ceremony with only family and friends I’d dreamed of. Agreed to move into that behemoth of a house instead of the cottage I’d have preferred. Hell, even the flavor of the cake was her choice. I wanted chocolate and she picked lavender.

Floral cake? Who even did that? I did taste the sample and it was so heavy with the flowery flavor…then she asked for more! I wondered what happened to that cake. I didn’t actually know what happened after I left. Maybe they donated all the food. I hoped they had. But that was none of my concern now. It might not even be Claude’s if he valued his sanity. I didn’t know if I’d have the strength to walk away from all that money, but I liked to think I would. It certainly wasn’t part of what had upset me when the wedding was called off.

We landed, taxied down the landing strip toward the buildings in the distance. This was not the town where my probably mates lived, but it was the closest airport serviced by the larger airlines. The smaller, closer one would have involved my coming to this one anyway then transferring to a very small plane, and Nacho and Riggs both discouraged that. They said they didn’t mind the drive, and it would save me quite a bit of money.

That sort of consideration boded well for my life with them.

We were at the gate and the row in front of me was exiting into the aisle, so I stood up and reached for my carry-on. Shuffling along behind the others, I made my way to the front of the plane then onto the jetway. I followed the signs toward baggage, scanning ahead for the faces I’d seen in our video chats. The moment I emerged from the security area, there they were.

I’d never met a bear shifter of any kind, that I knew of, but I’d always imagined they’d be tall and broad shouldered. They were. Their heads were moving back and forth, scanning, and I immediately wanted them to find me. Darting around the mom with two kids and more carry-ons than should have been allowed, I surged toward them, free hand in the air, waving.

The second our gazes locked, I was one smitten kitten. How could I ever have wanted anyone else? How did I not know that the right men for me were waiting—and how did I get lucky enough to find them all this distance away?

“Marney!” Riggs got to me first and lifted me into the air, the carry-on handle flipping through my fingers. “You made it.” He gave me a big squeeze and passed me to Nacho who repeated the process, along with a smacking kiss on my cheek.

“Finally.” He set me down and tucked me under his arm. “Let’s get your bags and go home.”


“Are you hungry? Thirsty?” Riggs asked.

“We’ll go through the coffee place on the way. They have great baked goods and sandwiches. Is that all right, Marney?”

It all went fast then, getting the bags, loading everything in the car, and zooming out of the airport. They were so excited to see me, chatting about the house and the area and how much they hoped I’d love their home. They bought me coffee and cake and a sandwich big enough for…well, for two polar bears at the drive-thru and then we were headed for “home.”

Chapter Thirteen


She was here. I thought the day would never come.

And she was mine. My bear cried out mate when she appeared with that heart-lighting smile on her face. He knew.


“I thought we were in love—madly. But now that I know the truth, looking back, I should’ve seen the signs,” she said.
