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Now, as the minutes stretch into eternity, I can’t help but worry. Why is she so late? Has something gone wrong?

I decide to sweeten the wait with a drink and follow after one of the waiters who are roaming the hall with trays full of champagne flutes.

“That’s a very good idea,” I hear my friend Gabe say as I reach for one of the drinks.

He takes one for himself, and we clink glasses before bringing the sparkling drink to our lips.

“Nervous?” I ask him, as I notice the way his eyes flit through the hall. Tonight is very special for him, and not all of it has to do with the foundation that’s being celebrated.

“Fuck yes,” he utters, exhaling audibly. “I feel like I’m going to throw up at any moment.”

I laugh at his expense. “I guess I better keep my phone ready to take a video then.”

“Ha. Ha,” he says, rolling his eyes at me. “Have you seen Ella? She’s out of her mind with nerves, too. And I’d feel a lot better if she was next to me right now.”

“She’s powdering her nose.”

Logan and his girlfriend Kat have joined us, unnoticed by Gabe and me, which causes both of us to jerk in surprise at Kat’s words.

She chuckles at our reaction before she adds, “I saw her go over to the ladies’ room when we walked in just now.”

“Also, hi!” Logan adds, before providing each of us with a strong hug.

“Thanks for being here,” Gabe says absentmindedly. “Glad you could come.”

“Where’s Madison?” Kat asks.

“She had to finish a work call,” I say. “She should be here any moment.”

“Oh, good.” Kat looks visibly relieved and happy. “I was hoping to talk with her, she said she wanted to come and check out Books & Brews while you guys are here.”

“Yeah, she mentioned that,” I tell her. “She was quite excited about it. Congrats by the way, I hear it’s going well?”

Kat nods, beaming with pride. Logan helped Kat to open her own bookstore a few months ago, and from what I’ve heard, it’s going rather well. Madison, who took a liking to Kat from the first time they met a few months ago, has been looking forward to seeing Kat’s first entrepreneurial endeavor.

Gabe, who has been standing quietly next to us, stares at the exit that leads to the restrooms, and he bites his lower lip.

“I better check on Ella,” he says eventually.

He provides us with a friendly nod, before he disappears to check on his soon-to-be-fiancée—though, she doesn’t know that part yet.

“That poor man,” Logan jokes.

“Right? I haven’t seen him this wrecked since we started our legal tech platform way back when,” I say. “But I guess tonight, he has every reason to be.”

“Why’s that?” Kat implores, obviously oblivious to what is about to happen.

“Oh, you’ll see,” Logan says, winking at me. We all agreed to not spill the beans, not even to our girlfriends—a true Plutus boy pledge that shall not be broken.

“Why won’t you tell me?” Kat wants to know, pouting at Logan.

“Let’s get ourselves one of those drinks,” he says, instead of answering her.

Kat casts me a quizzical look before Logan ushers her away.

I’m just about to check the time on my watch again, when I see Madison storming through the entrance. She looks marvelous in an elegant evening gown that drapes over her form in alluring, luxurious folds, the fabric seemingly spun from moonlight itself. Her long, chestnut hair is swept up in an elaborate updo, a cascade of tendrils framing her face.

The soft, romantic lighting of the gala casts a gentle halo around her, making her seem almost ethereal, as she walks over to me.
