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“And you, my grandson,” Gram says, directing her intense gaze at me.

I gulp, hoping it’s not audible.

“I’m disappointed in you.”

I crack a smile I can’t suppress. “I’m sorry to hear that, Gram.”

“You can’t be that sorry with that ridiculous grin on your face.”

From across the room, a giggle. I narrow my eyes at Jude who is working on positioning the leaves of the caladium. She flushes and mouths, “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry about her, look at me, Chase.”

The women in my life never cease to marionette in any direction they please. “Apologies, Gram. I’m afraid I don’t know what I have done to disappoint you.”

“I will concede that you’ve done many things correctly in your life. Not many people can say they’ve started law practices as early as thirty years old and see the success you’ve seen. Although I can’t say I particularly enjoy thatenormous billboardoff the highway, but…”

I roll my eyes. “Marketing’s idea. Not mine.” I hate the damn thing too, but my team insisted that it would be good publicity. Now, my headshot towers over the interstate, my smarmy smile and serial killer stare giving me nightmares.Gladstone’s Got You!That tagline… makes me cringe.

“You are a talented lawyer. A smart businessman. I’d expect nothing less from my grandchild.” Her gaze intensifies, her light blue eyes searing my soul. “However, you’ve neglected what life is all about, Chase. Really, life is all about –”

“Family. Yes, I know, Gram.”

“Do you know that, Chase?”

The question hangs in the air, the room silent except for the glugging of Jude’s watering can. It makes a strangled noise, running out of water.

“Because from the way you behave, I’m not sure you do.”

“What way is that, Gram?”

Gram takes her cup of tea and starts to bring it to your mouth. “I’m not the only one getting older, dear.”

I try to contain the heat building in my head as she sips her tea. It’s hard to be mad at Gram mostly because she would never apologize anyway, even if she’d done something wrong. Anger is useless when it comes to her.

“Forty years old in just a few months. Are you scared, Chase?”


“Well, you should be.”

Caroline gasps. “Gram!”

“Shhh, Caroline, I’m not talking to you.” Gram waves her off. “My stipulations for you are as follows: if you’re unmarried by your fortieth birthday, you will not receive your inheritance.”

“My birthday is only a few months –“

“I know.”

I swear, she’s smirking at me. “Gram, that is absolutely – how am I supposed to –”

“You’ll think of something.”

I open my mouth to say something more, but come up with nothing.

“Chase…” Caroline says warningly.

“It’s impossible, Gram. Impossible.”
