Page 69 of Uncivilized

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“Crew?” His voice sounded rougher than usual. “How?”

“Long story. Just know that you’re here. You’re okay. And your husband is, too. It’s all a bunch of really good news. You had to get better and now you are.”

Amias sat up, despite the pressure keeping him down. He stared at Crew. “What about Raven? I sent a girl to you. She’s very important to me. Did she get here? We have to find her, if she didn’t…”

“I’m here.” Any second, he’d hear our heartbeats, but he was too out of it right then. “I found your family and then eventually we all found you. They’re my husbands now.”

Amias’ mouth fell open. “I hoped they’d take you in, but I didn’t foresee marriage.”

“Well.” Ransom grinned. “You send us a gift in Raven, and we’re not giving her up.”

“I just have one question.” Mace didn’t sound joyful. “I get why you stayed after you met Stone, but why did you go there in the first place. Why would you ever have joined sides with that asshole Clarke?”

Amias swung his legs over the side of the machine and held his head like it hurt. “I got readings that there were a ton of med machines down there. I thought maybe I could steal one. Crew told me to find med machines. I figured, after the way I left, I couldn’t come back empty handed. When I got down there, I saw what Clarke was doing and I wanted to get a full understanding of it so I pretended I wanted a job. He was happy to give me one. Then things changed because I met Stone. I couldn’t leave him, or Raven, not ever.”

Mace visibly relaxed. “Makes sense.”

“Hold on.” My brother’s voice was soft, but it was there. “Did you say husbands? Plural?”

I grinned, filled with more happiness than I could’ve imagined. All of the love in the universe lived on this beautiful planet, where I was convinced, miracles could happen.

* * *
