Page 14 of Sold for Sin

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He smiles and turns his attention to our dinner. I’m beginning to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, I can trust this man after all.

After our evening meal concludes, my host takes me out to the gardens for a cup of tea. The skies have darkened to pitch black but are peppered with many stars to marvel upon.

The gardens themselves are a sight to behold in their own right. I step out of the manor, coming to a small stairway that overlooks the layout.

Sitting at random points are lamp posts that give off just enough light to illuminate the many rows of hedges that live here, arranged in a maze-like formation. They’re well tended to, all trimmed flat along the top with no stray branches or leaves on the ground.

Various flower beds sit nearby though I cannot discern their colors, their sections too entrenched in the shadows. In the distance is a statue, but again, it is too far to see.

“This is beautiful,” I gasp. “May we take a stroll?”

“We’d best do that tomorrow morning. The daylight will show off more of the garden’s features, and I’ll happily guide you through each path. Come have some tea.”

I take a seat beside him, but my eyes remain glued to the garden. The manor is beautiful, but the garden is quickly cementing itself as my favorite part of the residence.

I cover my mouth in embarrassment as I yawn.

“Sorry,” I mutter.

“Don’t be. I can see you’re tired, so we’ll save the talking for tomorrow. For now, let us enjoy some peace and quiet.”

I glance at him, marveling at his features, some of which the moonlight really highlights such as his violet eyes. He catches me looking at him.

“Let’s have some alone time out here more often. I’d like to get to know you better,” I say a little shyly.

“Me, too. I’m sorry about the behavior of everyone. I assure you I’ll do everything I can to control them.”

“You don’t need to apologize for them. Your presence makes up for how they act.”

His violet eyes narrow in on me as if in admiration, and I wonder if he likes what he sees, brewing a melting sensation inside of me.

When Valkus eventually escorts me back to bed, I’m tempted to invite him in for the night, but I decide to hold back for the time being. I want to take my time cherishing every moment of his presence, and not be too eager to do something with someone who I just met.

Yet still, I cannot deny just how enamored I am by his company alone.

* * *

It is early the next morning when we’re once again dining alone, enjoying a tranquil and filling breakfast. Yiosha noticeably acts differently this time around, even offering me a second helping and a refill of tea when I am finished.

All the while, Valkus watches on with a careful eye, nodding in approval at the zagfer’s efforts to be attentive to my needs.

As promised, I am brought out to the gardens. More than eager to explore, I can’t help but run off into the maze as Valkus laughs behind me. I take various twists and turns, eventually coming around a corner to a strange but interesting sight.

Arranged on easels are pieces of beautiful art, some of them recognizable as parts of the city and the countryside. Each painting is incredibly immersive, and it’s almost like I’m being pulled into their scenery.

“I thought you might like to see what I do for a living,” says Valkus as he walks up behind me. “In our efforts to get to know each other.”

“Wait, you did this?”

“Indeed I did.”

“Valkus, these pieces are amazing! I never knew someone in this day and age could be so artistically gifted.”

“You… really think that?” he asks.

“Of course, I do,” I tell him, then I turn back to look at the art.

“Thank you,” he says quietly. “That’s more admiration than my family has ever given me.”
