Page 45 of Sold for Sin

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“Althia is still healing from a health scare she had last night. She’s recovered for the most part, but I need you to tend to her should she need anything, alright?”

“I shall treat her as a true habitant of the manor.”

“That’s what I like to hear. I will be back later.”

With everything sorted, I make my way down to the stables, where I take charge of a carriage. I whip the reins, spurring the pair of equus at the front into gear.

Soon, the manor grows smaller behind me as I head into the city. Taveth lives on the opposite side of Pyrthos, having wanted to get away from our family as far as possible. I couldn’t blame him for drawing a line between him and our parents.

The thought of it leads me to wonder if perhaps I can one day do the same thing and acquire some property for Althia and me. As promising as my career in art is, her emergence into my life seriously forces me to reconsider what my future looks like. I can’t picture it without her.

As I cruise through the city of Pyrthos, I daydream about bringing her out here to shop for whatever her heart desires. I have the money to do what I want, and there’s nothing more I wish to give her a good life. My access to funds can see that through.

“Maybe I can pick up a nice gift for her on the way back to the manor.”

Yet still, what happened last night and the mystery surrounding it all lingers in my mind. I hope that Taveth will have some ideas he can share with me. Everything that he went through with his mate is hazy in my memory at this point, but it is now vital to recall it as best as I can.

Soon, I pull up to his house. It’s smaller than the manor but very much still a magnificent sight to behold.

The structure is a new building. Taveth had purchased it before I met Althia and wasted no time furnishing the place and moving into it. It is a two-story building, with a large, golden double door acting as the front entrance.

Two balconies jut out from the second floor, offering a pleasant view of the city from where the house is situated in the hills. I park the carriage in the small stable building attached to the main structure.

The double doors open as I approach the house. Taveth emerges, stretching out his arms to greet me with a brotherly embrace.

“Good to see you.” He sighs with relief. “I’ve been meaning to get you out here for a while.”

“I almost didn’t make it,” I tell him, thinking of Althia.

“Well, I’m glad you did. Come inside, I have some lunch prepared for us.”

The entrance opens up into a large foyer, with the main staircase straight ahead leading up to the second floor. Taveth wasted no time decorating the place with some of my artwork as well as a generous range of pottery.

He leads me into the dining room, where a zagfer serves us a small meal. He and I begin the visit catching up on each other’s affairs regarding our careers and other trivial matters.

“I’m happy to see how well you’re doing for yourself,” I say.

“More than anything, I’m glad to have gotten out of the family manor. Have you thought about doing the same yourself?”

“I was just considering it on my way here. It’d do my mate and me a lot of good.”

“Speaking of Althia, how are things with her?”

I smile at the mention of her, recognizing that this will be the lead-in I’ve been waiting for to discuss my concerns about her health. I’ve wanted to tread lightly and not ambush Taveth too suddenly, as what happened to his mate is still a fresh wound for my brother.

“I’m very happy with her. She’s a breath of fresh air in that manor.”

“I bet,” chuckles Taveth. “That’s good to hear though, and it’s very obvious from where I’m sitting.”

“What do you mean?”

“You seem happier than the last time we got together, a few months back.”

“If only the other members of the family recognized that, too, then perhaps we could all get along.”

“We’re a long way away from that,” says Taveth.

“Unfortunately, I have to agree,” I tell him, nodding along before taking a sip of rirzed tea. As I do so, I think again of Althia. I trust my brother enough to tell him what’s on my mind. “Honestly, I’m falling in love with my mate.”
