Page 63 of Sold for Sin

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That understanding passes between Althia and me in mere milliseconds before she turns back to her window again, and my eyes settle on Enilea, who curtsies before scurrying off to make the necessary arrangements.

The zagfers that remain in the room follow our instructions. My mother looks at me then.

“I want your guest list for the mating ceremony,” she tells me as if I haven’t just killed one of our long-time servants. “I want to send out invitations as soon as possible.”

“Of course,” I tell her and exhale as my heartbeat slows down after the exertion of killing Yiosha.

“And you’ll ensure that every one of those guests remembers to remain respectful of my mate?”

The threat in my voice is clear. I do not want to kill anyone on the day of my mating ceremony, but I will if they give me a reason to.

My mother nods quickly, her face almost frantic as she hurries to assure me that no one at the mating ceremony will be disrespectful of Althia.

We stand and discuss the mating ceremony as the zagfers walk in and out of the room. Four of them lift Yiosha’s body, while eight of them hurry to clean up the blood, urine, and feces.

There are also chunks of hair that I tore out of Yiosha’s head that get swept up and will later be burned.

“I hope your brother will attend,” my mother murmurs. I know that my mother and Taveth have a contentious relationship, and I also know that Taveth will not let my mother forget his suspicions of her.

I do not know if those suspicions have any merit, but I wouldn’t put it past my mother. Even if she has changed since Althia came into my life.

I cannot help but feel sorry for my brother. I do not know what I would do if I lost Althia.

You know what you would do. You would kill whoever was responsible for her death and then kill yourself. Even if the person responsible was your mother.

“I’ll invite him personally,” I tell my mother. “I am sure he will attend if the invitation comes from me instead of you.”

Enilea walks back into the room then, after having coordinated the clean up and removal of Yiosha’s body.

She curtsies and then speaks. “I have arranged everything as you asked, Master.” A cool wind blows in from the windows that have been opened.

I nod my thanks to Enilea as my mother pats my arm before walking away.

Then I’m left to absorb what I’ve just done.



I stand amongst the crowd of onlookers as we all glance at Valkus. My dark elf stands over the final bloodstain marking where Yiosha’s corpse had lain. His shoulders rise and fall rapidly as he catches his breath, hissing through his teeth like a madman.

If no one was afraid of him beforehand, they’re sure to be fearing for their lives now. Blood is soaked all over the garments that Valkus wears, dripping onto the floor that some of the zagfers have managed to clean up.

He peers down at his shaking hands as if he’s only just realized he has taken a life. I only wonder now if what he has done satisfies the predator inside of him, the creature I have only seen mere glimpses of.

The way he unloaded everything he had on Yiosha was nothing short of a frenzied rage. I knew all along he had a deeper, darker side to him, but it seemed like it was going to remain dormant.

That’s what made his outburst all the more thrilling. It was as if it had all been building inside of him, destined to unleash on this very night under a full moon.

I look again at his shaking hands just before he clenches them into fists. Those hands had touched me ever so lovingly, and now they had taken a life right before my very eyes.

“Valkus,” I call out.

Some of the zagfer still working on cleaning the room shoot a worried look my way as if I had just summonsed some great beast. They back away just as Valkus rears his head, looking over his shoulder at everyone around us, his eyes not yet settling on me.

For a moment, I am concerned that he’ll lash out and kill every last person in this room, including his mother.

Valkus’ eyes finally find mine, and he opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. It seems like the adrenaline from his fresh kill is holding back any form of humanity. Still, some servants seem to understand what he needs, for they approach with a fresh set of towels.
