Page 69 of Sold for Sin

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“I’d love to hear your ideas.”

It is my parents who come up to us last.

“Oh my son, there’s so much we have to say, and to you, too, my dear,” says Meriana, looking between Althia and me.

“Please, let us all take our seats and have a discussion. Dinner will be served very shortly, and we want to eat our meal without any issues left hanging in the air,” says Elrend.

“Sounds fine to me. Are you alright with that, Althia?” I ask, turning to my mate.

“That sounds good.”

“Very well. Some tea, please!”

In a matter of moments, each of us is seated, our arms leaning forward on the table as if we’re entrenched in a political meeting. I can’t deny that by this point, I’m feeling hopeful that this is more than a simple family dinner.

If I didn’t guess any better, I’d say this is all a big plan for my family to get back on my good side. It is my father who speaks first.

“Your mother and I think it is appropriate that we begin with an apology,” he states, his eye contact aimed at Althia. “The way we treated you was unfair, to say the least. There is something you need to understand though.”

“Alright, what is it?” asks Althia, eyebrows raised.

“No matter how badly we viewed you, not once did we ever wish for harm to come your way.”

Althia glances at me. I subtly nod, allowing her to make the choice for herself. Drawing her posture straight, she raises her chin as my parents watch on anxiously.

“I forgive you,” she says, much to their visible relief. “Though both of you must also understand that I can’t simply forget about all that happened here, even before Yiosha took matters into her own hands.”

“Of course, we don’t think of you as a pushover,” says Meriana. “Especially seeing that you are in a relationship with Valkus.”

I smile at her comment. I’m glad they made amends with Althia. If my mate is happy with their apology then so am I.

“It is I who also owes you two an apology,” says Velora. “Althia, I know we have just met, but you deserve to know the truth. I’ve always been an honest woman, so I made it no secret that I shared the sentiments of my parents when it came to your union with my brother.”

My mate nods along attentively.

“For that, I am so sorry. It was wrong of me to have placed judgment when we had not yet met. I apologize to you as well, Valkus. You always were the odd one out, but I’m sorry I always made you feel bad about it.”

“All of us here agree that, ultimately, you should have the freedom to be able to make your own choices without influence from us,” says Elrend. “Of course, my son, that is what you’ve already done, but know that going forth, the judgment of your choices is something we’re putting behind us.”

“We mean everything we say,” adds Meriana. “Seeing two of you sitting side by side in front of us, well, you make a beautiful couple.”

Through her smile, I see a tear welling in her eye. She is quick to notice, too, for she quickly dashes it away.

“Excuse me. I can’t help but bear this tremendous guilt within me.”

“What’s wrong?” asks Dravank.

“We all had good faith in Yiosha. She was a great servant, but none of us ever anticipated she’d act with such murderous intentions in the name of our service. I’m responsible for all of this.”

“No,” I interject. “As much as we haven’t seen eye to eye, the blame cannot be pinned on you. However, I hope you learn from this that your words echo dangerously.”

“Indeed they do, my son,” she says, nodding.

Althia reaches over and takes my hand, giving me a reassuring squeeze.

“There’s one more thing we need to address before mealtime,” announces Elrend.

My parents and Velora turn to face Taveth, who seems bewildered by the gesture.
