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Paul got up and shook my hand. “That is all I can ask. That and for you not to break my little girl's heart. She is the most loving and giving person you’ll ever meet. If she loves you like I think she does, then you’re the luckiest man alive.”

Loves me?She never used the word, nor did I. Was this love? Never felt anything like this before. It could be, but I hadn’t thought about it like that. I thought it took more time for it to become love.

“Thank you, Mr. Winterberry.”

He nodded and said, “Good night, Mark.” He left me sitting by the fire alone, but not for long.

My father and Uncle Bennett came into the lobby. “You finally returned. Thought you might spend the night in the barn,” he said.

I rolled my eyes. “It’s not like that, Dad.”

“Really? Because you seem very into her,” he said.

“I am. She’s very important to me.”

“As we can all tell. I’m happy for you. She seems like a lovely girl. Are you planning on telling her?” he asked.

“That I like her? She already knows,” I said.

“I’m talking about school,” he stated.

Fuck.I was going to kill Christopher if he told him. He’d promised he wouldn’t.

“I already told her.” He looked surprised.

“What about your next career choice? Have you shared that with her?”

“Dad, why all the questions about what I tell Adilyn?” I asked.

“Because not all women are okay with it. Some find it difficult being alone so much of the time, he said. “I know it wasn’t always easy for your mother.”

“What do you and mom have to do with me and Adilyn?” I asked.

Bennett said, “Let me help you out a little bit. I’m friends with the recruiter. He called me when he found out who you were.”

Damn it!

“He had no right to,” I blurted out.

“You’re correct and I reminded him of that. But it doesn’t change the fact that your father and I know,” he said.

“And I don’t understand why you didn’t come to either of us when you were thinking about joining the Marines. Hell, Mark, Uncle Bennett and I both served in the Corps. We would’ve been happy to answer any questions you had. We still are,” my father added.

“Because I thought you’d be pissed. I mean, four years of college and I choose the Corps instead of becoming a doctor.”

“Mark, I love you, and if you want to be a doctor then be a doctor. And if you want to join the Marines, then I support you as well. You’re a man. You make your own choices. I do not regret my decision to join when I was twenty, and I also don’t regret leaving the Corp to work for Homeland Security ten years later. But whatever you decide to do, do what is right for you. Not me. Not your mother. And not the rest of the family.”

“You’re not mad,” I asked again, shocked. He shook his head. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Don’t thank me. Just do me one favor,” he said.

“What is it?”

“Don’t mention this until we return home. I’d like us to sit down, just the six of us, when you make the announcement. The rest of the family can find out later,” he said.

“Sounds good.”

Bennett said, “I won’t say anything either. But you know you can call me anytime. If I’m correct, you haven’t signed your official enlistment paperwork yet.”
