Page 42 of That's What Love

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Ericand I stand on my front porch, bathed in the soft glow of the porch light. We’ve been standing here for about five minutes, neither of us quite ready to say goodbye. The dinner with my mom had gone better than I could have hoped for, and the connection between me and Eric has deepened throughout the evening.

His blue eyes meet mine, and there’s a warmth in his gaze that sends goosebumps over my skin. “Tonight was amazing,” he finally says, breaking the silence. His soft voice, carrying a note of sincerity, making my heart flutter.

A smile tugs at the corners of my lips. “It really was. Thank you for coming.”

He takes a step closer, his presence enveloping me. “Thank you for inviting me. I’m glad I got to know your mom a bit more and spend time with you.”

My fingers itch to reach out and touch him, to bridge the remaining gap between us. There’s an undeniable pull, a magnetic force drawing us together.

“Eric,” I begin, my voice barely above a whisper, “I want you to know that… I’m really glad you’re in my life.”

He reaches out, his fingers gently cupping my cheek. He leans in, closing the distance between us, and our lips meet in a sweet, lingering kiss.

As we pull away, our breaths mingling, Eric smiles, his eyes filled with affection. “I’m glad, too, Hailey.”

He gives my hand a gentle squeeze and turns to head down the porch steps.

“How are you getting home?” I ask.

“I’m going to walk.”

“Are you sure? I can drive you,” I say.

“I’ll be okay.”

We stare at each other for a moment, and he walks back to me, pressing his lips against mine. My heart beats faster as I deepen the kiss.

I break away to unlock the front door and we rush inside. I drop my purse, and he lifts me up, his hands gentle, yet firm, grabbing my ass. Eric takes us into my room and turns on the lamp. The soft glow casts a warm and intimate ambiance. He gently guides me to the bed and lays me down as my heart pounds against my chest.

As he stands before me, he unbuttons his shirt, revealing the sculpted contours of his chest. The sight of him shirtless sends a shiver down my spine, and I can’t seem to tear my eyes away. Feeling a surge of boldness, I reach out and unbuckle his belt. The sound of the clasp releasing echoes in the quiet room. My fingers tremble slightly as I slide the belt off him, the anticipation of what lies ahead making my pulse race.

Our eyes lock. As he steps closer, he brushes a lock of hair from my face, his touch sending electric sparks through me. Our lips meet once again, this time with the hunger that has been growing steadily throughout the evening.


The next morning,I stir from a peaceful slumber to the smell of pancakes wafting through the air. The delicious scent wraps around me like a warm embrace, coaxing me out of my dreams and into the day. Groggily, I stretch and take in the soft morning light filtering through the curtains.

The rhythmic sizzle of batter hitting a hot pan is a comforting sound. Eric is so absorbed in his cooking that he hasn’t noticed me yet. I watch in silent appreciation as he skillfully maneuvers the spatula under the pancake, a look of concentration on his face. There is something incredibly endearing about the way he approaches even the simplest of tasks with care and dedication. Finally, unable to contain my smile any longer, I clear my throat. Eric turns, his eyes lighting up as he sees me.

“Good morning, gorgeous,” he says, his voice warm and filled with affection.

“Good morning,” I reply, crossing the distance between us.

Without a word, he reaches out and pulls me into his arms, holding me close as we share a sweet morning kiss.

“Are you my morning chef now?” I joke.

He lets out a laugh. “If you want me to be, yes.”

“Mmm, you already are at this point. I don’t see a reason to stop now.”

“I’m not complaining.” He grabs a plate of food and hands it to me with a fork, syrup, and butter already added.

“Can I have a glass of orange juice, chef?” I smirk.

“You sure can.” While he pours the juice, someone knocks on the front door. I check my phone, and it’s only 6 AM.

When I open the front door, my eyes widen at the sight of my father.
