Page 29 of Hidden Mate

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“And you’re mine,” she hissed, liking the little nip of pain.

She realized she’d always been his, even before she knew he existed and long before she believed in fated mates. She didn’t really believe she deserved him, but he did and that was all that mattered. He latched on and suckled deeply, making her weak in the knees. He moved to the other nipple and gave it the same treatment.

Arousal flooded her system, and she ran her fingers through his hair, drawing him up her body. He swept her off her feet and laid her on the bed, looming over her—his eyes as warm and sensual a caress as his hands and lips had been.

“Spread your legs, Nora,” he commanded.

She knew that the next few weeks or months would be difficult. They might be physically apart, but they would be together mentally and emotionally—now and always. For right now, nothing mattered but the two of them. The whole world fell away, and all that existed was them.

Her eyes locked with his, Nora obeyed his command. Hutch’s hand moved from the hollow of her throat to her belly button and down below, barely skimming over her sensitized and swollen flesh until he splayed her lower lips and tickled the entrance to her core.

Everything inside her was alive in a way it had never been before. Even the night before didn’t compare. Need and desire hummed through her—desire not just of the flesh and for the pleasure he could provide her, but for the life they would make together. It was the fulfillment of a dream she’d never allowed herself to imagine. Nora realized she’d been dreaming of him all of her life but had been too afraid to admit it.

His finger penetrated her opening, making her moan. He stroked deep inside, slowly and surely building her response so she couldn’t hold back. Erik Hutchinson knew just how to make his mate squirm. She could see him standing above her and see the barbs along his cock beginning to make their appearance. She’d never been with a male cat-shifter before but knew that like their purebred brethren those nubs would increase her pleasure as he surged in and then score her inner walls as he drew back. When he came, they would dig in, locking her to him so that his seed could be well sown.

Grinning a feral smile, he crawled onto the bed, covering her body with his. “I can’t wait, Nora. I need you.”

“You have me, Hutch, and you’ll have me until the end of time.”

The head of his cock was poised at her entrance. “Not long enough,” he said as he surged forward, joining them together.

The nubs were definitely a new experience and she arched into his body, her pussy pulling him in as deep as it could. She brought her arms up around him and intertwined her legs with his. His hands slipped under her body, holding her ass to keep her in place as he gave her his weight, pressing her into the mattress. As he drew out the barbs extended and stiffened, dragging small furrows into her most sensitive flesh.

She hissed from the exquisite pain and was pinned beneath him. Nora had never felt more vulnerable, safe, or powerful in her life. She clung to him as he kissed her breathless, his cock never stopping and establishing a rhythm her body seemed to have known her whole life.

He couldn’t seem to get enough, and neither could she. He stroked into her again and again, twisting his hips to ensure he hit her clit with each thrust forward. Nora cried out, and he increased his efforts. Over and over, he pounded into her with a relentless rhythm until her body felt like a mass of electrical circuits, firing all at once.

With a final, deep stroke, Nora cried out, clinging to him as her orgasm swamped her senses and she felt him press deep, grinding against her as he began to fill her with his seed. Once he was done, his body relaxed and he rolled from her, dragging her with him.

“I may be the only man who was ever grateful to another man for trying to kill him.”

“He can’t have you, Hutch. Not now, not ever. I may have owed him for pulling me from a life of squalor, but he owes me you, and I will collect,” she vowed.



Just before it started to get light, Nora woke him. “You probably should be seen coming into town alone and being pissed that I’m not with you. We need to sell this idea that I’m going to do my job so that the mole can report that back to the Master.”

“I don’t want you out there alone.”

“I understand that, but keep in mind I’m the best he has. I’m going to get the retractable knife and put it and some clothing in a duffle. I need you to place the baggie with whatever we’re using for blood on your lower right side. When you see me come in, touch the spot briefly so I know where it is. Then we can have a nice, juicy fight, and I can make it look like I stabbed and killed you.”

He nodded. “Doc will be there and will try to save me. He and Hamish will carry me out while the Sheriff arrests you and hauls you off to jail or some variation thereof.”

“If the Master’s man doesn’t come for me, the sheriff will get me to the mainland, and we’ll figure out a new plan. Just believe I know what I’m doing, and that you need to remain dead. If the Master realizes what we’re up to, he’s going to come at me with everything he has. Do what you can to help Colby get the Phantom Fire to commit to us.”

“We’ve got this. I doubt this is going to be over fast. We may be able to cut the head off the serpent so to speak, but I doubt that’ll be the end of it. But whatever happens, we will be together.”

She leaned down, kissing him with a depth of love and passion she hadn’t known she was capable of. “Now and forever.”

She slipped out the door and headed down the stairs. He knew she was right; knew this was the way it had to be for now, but that didn’t mean he had to like it, and he didn’t. He lay back in bed and tried to force himself to sleep. It was one of the valuable lessons he’d learned in the military. Being able to get some shut eye no matter what was happening was a useful skill.

His internal alarm, however, meant the sleep was more of a nap. He grabbed a shower and headed down to see if he could get a cup of coffee to go and if anyone was around with his blood packet. He meant to affix it to his body once he got to the bakery and had the remaining part of his prep work done.

“Good morning,” said Colby.

Hutch was beginning to wonder if the man ever slept.
