Page 47 of Hidden Mate

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She opened her eyes to his smile. “It was kind of a group effort between us, but yes, yours was the fatal blow. If it helps, it screamed bloody murder like you really hurt it.”

“Good, because I feel like shit and my mouth feels like it’s been stuffed with cotton.”

“That would be the propofol. We had to induce a medical coma so your body could help us heal it,” said Doc Hadley, checking her vital signs. “When you started fighting the sedation, we backed it off so you could rejoin us. You’ve got a strong will to live, young lady.”

Nora smiled at Hutch. “I have all the reason in the world to want to. Fallon?” she asked.

“Safe. Deke got to North. He managed to get in and out with her,” said Hutch a bit evasively.

“What?” she asked.

“We don’t think it’s anything to worry about,” said Colby.

Now, she knew there was. “What is it you don’t want to tell me that you know is going to make me worry?”

“North would never harm her, but he got her out and then disappeared. He was supposed to rendezvous with a small group of the Shadow Sisters, and they were going to get them to Scotland. Instead, he left them some kind of message in runes—the gist being he had her, and they were going underground. Deke is certain he’ll contact us when he feels it’s safe.”

“Are you telling me that some hellhound-shifter has gone all caveman on my friend?” she asked.

“Actually, Colby is trying really hard not to tell you that. He’s been pressing Campbell, but not getting very far. The one rune that the leader of the Shadow Sisters recognized was the one that stands for fated mate.”

“That is so not happening,” Nora said trying to unhook herself from the IVs.

“Nora, calm down. The Shadow Sisters are looking for them, as are the snow leopards out of Scotland. My former second is there, and in fact, is second-in-command to her mate. Trust me, there’s no way Winter lets this go. We’ll find them.”

She looked helplessly at Hutch. “Oh god, what did I do? I’m responsible for this. Poor Fallon.”

“She’s his fated mate, babe, and she’s alive,” said Hutch reassuringly. “He won’t harm her. He’ll keep her safe. If it were me, I’d want to go to ground some place I knew was absolutely safe. My guess is he’ll make his way back to wherever his lair is. He’ll contact us. He’s going to want to go after the Master and make him pay.”

Realizing there was nothing she could do, she looked at Colby, “Any idea what that thing was?”

“Not really. It was some kind of hybrid. With Carson’s help we were able to identify the DNA structure of the toxin, but so far, they’ve found DNA strands from at least three different species—bats, foxes, and Tasmanian devils. You were right about them trying to weaponize DFTD.”

“Bastards. I hope they—the bastard and all of his minions—rot in the deepest pits of hell.”

“And on that happy note,” said Doc, “I’m going to shoo all of you, except Hutch, out. I’ve already learned that isn’t going to happen. But do me a favor, Nora, and see if you can get him to eat something and maybe lie down on the cot over there. If he doesn’t get some food and sleep soon, I’m going to end up having to treat him.”

Everyone, including the doctor, shuffled out.

“Are you sure Fallon will be fine?” she asked him.

Hutch nodded. “I am. More than one great fated mate love story starts with the female being taken captive. Deke assures us North is an honorable man and Colby has people looking for them. You’re not going to fuss at me about sleeping all by myself all the way over on the other side of the room, are you?”

“Not a chance,” she said with a grin, scooting over to make room.

Hutch crawled into bed with her, wrapping his arms around her. He was asleep almost before his head hit the pillow. Nora snuggled in and followed him into the land of dreams. For now, it was the only place they were truly safe, but she knew to the depths of her soul that would not always be true. They’d thwarted the Master once. They would do so again and again until they beat him down, and he could no longer rise. They would be triumphant, but for now she could allow peace to reign in her dreams.


Dragons. There were dragons—real live, fire-breathing dragons. And the one that had kidnapped her knew Nora. How could he know Nora? For that matter, how could dragons exist? Madness.

He’d tried to get Nora to do something she didn’t want to. He’d used her phone to reach out to Nora, who had seemed as cold as ice.

The dragon had approached her with her camera’s video turned on. Fallon knew how she must look to anyone seeing her—bound, gagged, and scared to death.

And then Nora’s voice, cool, calculated, and not at all like the best friend she knew. “I want to speak to her, and you will install her in a comfortable room and see that she is cared for.”

The gag was ripped from her mouth and Fallon knew whatever it was that he wanted Nora to do, wasn’t good, and Fallon had no doubt that the dragon wouldn’t hold up his end of the bargain. There was no way she was making it out alive. Fallon would be damned if she would be used against her friend.
