Page 40 of Her Brutal King

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I head for the fridge and grab a beer before making my way back to the bedroom. Sammy sleeps peacefully despite the butterfly bandages that line her nose and brow. Her wrists are wrapped as well from the burns. I keep replaying the moment.

When the light turned green, there wasn’t anyone at the red light to my left—no cars, no passersby, nothing. There’s no way someone approached, then ran it that quickly. And that they continued on without even stopping. I call Sean.

“What’s up, bro?” he asks after the third ring.

“Hey, can you do me a favor?”

“Depends. What do I get out of it?”

I roll my eyes. “The gratification of knowing you’re not a complete dweeb and are a good brother.”

He hums while he contemplates. “I don’t think that’s enough. But let me hear what you need.”

“Can you check the surrounding cameras from the accident? Something isn’t adding up.”

“Yeah. I’ll get on it. How are you guys? Haley and Callum haven’t answered my texts.”

“If they’re not answering you, how did you even know about it?”

“I have keywords flagged in our texts, so I knew when you texted her.”

My mouth drops in utter shock. “You hacked our phones?”

“Of course, I did. Our family is always being targeted by someone and I need to know when and where you all are.”

“That’s disturbing,” I snap.

“Maybe. But are you alive?”

“No thanks to you, asshole.” I hang up the phone.

Before I enter the bedroom, I take a moment to breathe. Then I turn the knob. Sammy is curled up in a fetal position in the center of the king bed. She’s bundled under the white duvet, looking extremely cozy despite the bruises already forming on her face. I set the beer down on the nightstand and kick off my shoes. She stirs when I sit at the edge of the mattress and tug off my shirt.

I turn and scoot her over, then slide under the covers beside her. She lets out a soft whimper and adjusts herself so that both her arms are wrapped around mine. I press a kiss to her forehead, then grab my phone to play a game while she naps.

Samira twirls around as she walks down the length of the plane, taking in the sight of the cabin. A white leather couch sits to the right, and she plops down while I lift her overnight bag into the overhead storage.

I sit down beside her, and just like all the times before, buckle her into her seat. Her breath hitches. She wound up sleeping the entire day away yesterday, but now seems to be in better spirits.

I fasten my seatbelt and the flight attendant peeks through from the front cabin. She offers us a smile as she approaches. “Good morning Mr. Murphy. Have you eaten breakfast?”

“We have, thank you, Mariah,” I say. “This is Ms. Cullen. She’ll be on the flight home this evening as well.”

Mariah turns to Sammy and gives her the same welcoming smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Cullen. Have you flown private before?”

“Can’t say that I have.” Sammy extends a hand and Mariah shakes it. “Thank you so much for everything.”

Mariah nods. “Of course. We’re gearing up for take-off in about fifteen minutes. Can I get you anything to drink?”

Sammy turns to me, a question on the tip of her tongue.

“The plane is fully stocked,” I say. “Water, tea, coffee, juice. Wine, whiskey. Whatever.”

“I’ll have orange juice, please,” she says.

“Same for me, Mariah. You can bring them up once we’re in the air and it’s safe. Along with a bottle of champagne. Thank you.”

“Wow. This is so fucking fancy.” She jabs me in the side with her finger. “I don’t know if I can ever go back to the coach class status ever again.”
