Page 78 of Her Brutal King

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“Oh, fuck.” I clutch my stomach. Our lives have been weaved together for far longer than I’d ever thought.

He could have stopped it.I turn to him, my eyes wide.

“I was too late. For Cara, for you. I won’t ever forgive myself, Sammy. And I don’t expect you to forgive me, either.”

Three times is fate.How many times had he saved me now? Ian’s death, the car accident, the day of Saoirse’s wedding.

“You,” I start, my throat so dry and tight that I can barely muster the words. “You saved me.”

He scrunches his brows. “I didn’t.”

“You delayed them. If they had been even five minutes earlier, Ian would have walked in and found medead.”

“No. Don’t you hear me? I could have stopped them, and Ian would bealive.”

“And I’d be dead at a later date if his parents were so hell bent on killing me.”

He growls. “I haven’t dealt with them yet.”

My lips curve into a wicked smile. “Oh, I will deal with them.”

“Not alone, you won’t.”

I nod. “No, not alone. But I have an idea.”

Chapter Thirty-Four

Callmeunhinged,becauseone week later, I’m sitting in the back of a black cargo van dressed in all black and ready to serve my revenge. Declan is beside me, Sean in the driver’s seat. If you asked me six months ago where I thought I’d be, this wouldn't be it.

I wouldn’t be in a van about to threaten the fuck out of my in laws. Though, I wouldn’t have said I would be in love again, either. Yet, here I am, both things are true.

Declan presses a kiss to my forehead. “It’s not too late to change your mind.”

I shake my head.No. This must be done, and I have to be the one to do it.“Fuck, no. I’m ready for this.”

I spent the last six days with Declan teaching me the ins and outs of shooting a gun, of punching people in certain places so that it won't hurt your fists as much. He taught me how to properly restrain someone—without duct tape—and planned out how we’d break into a heavily secured mansion.

With the help of his hacker brother, of course.

“Feeds are cut,” Sean says. He took a recording of old footage and swapped it with a live feed so that security doesn’t suspect anything.

We have an appointment to enter the premise under the guise of a water company coming to fix a broken pipe in one of the bathrooms. Sean rolls down his window as we approach the front gate. “Hey there,” he says through a pleasant grin. “I’m here to work on the bathroom.”

The guard nods, hands him a key card, then lets us through the gates. My heart soars, palms sweaty. I won’t kill them. But I am going to scare them. I’m going to take the evidence of their son’s death to the police and let them rot in jail.

Declan didn’t want me to get law enforcement involved. But I felt it was best for the situation. I would not kill my kids' grandparents and sweep everything under the rug.

Sean pulls the van to the horseshoe driveway and cut the engine.

“Stay here,” Declan says, opening the back door. “What’s the signal?”

“Batman,” I say.

He presses his lips against mine. “Good girl.”

“It’s show time.” Sean grins, peering at me through the rearview mirror. Then he and Declan step out of the vehicle and head for the large steps that will take them to the front door.

I sit and wait. We are wearing earpieces, so I can hear everything going on. The front door opening, the maid greeting them. Declan offering her a thousand bucks to go home sick and leave the house.
