Page 7 of Holiday's Cookies

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“Nothing. You’re just a sweetheart, that’s all.” I don’t feel like one.

Chapter Six


I don’t know what happened back there, but I swear the second that fucker dared to ask my woman out, I was about to slam his head into the counter. Then I remembered I didn’t even know her name. I read her name tag, and it reads Holiday. The cookies she brought me were from Holiday’s Cookies Bakery. My girl was not only beautiful, but she was also talented. I ate almost every damn cookie she gave me last night, something I wouldn’t have done before. I don’t eat sweets because they ruin my body that I take good care of.

Stuffing my hands in my pockets so I don’t find something to punch, I head to the nearby hardware store to pick up the printer I ordered.

“Hello, you must be our new resident of Holly Hills. I’m Cat. My dad owns the hardware store.”

“I came to get the printer I ordered,” I grumble. My eyes keep darting toward the window as if I could see into the bakery down the street. It’s bullshit how busy she is. I wonder if she works hard all the time.

“Okay. No prob. It’s right here.” There is a small stack of boxes, and then my large one. She lifts it up with a little extra effort, so I quickly take the bulky box from her. I might be an asshole to most people, but not when people do what they should, and this girl is young and doing her job.

“I’ll need some copy paper as well.” It comes with free starter ink, so I don’t purchase more.

“How many reams?” she asks with politeness that doesn’t give off any signs of flirting, which I appreciate for a change. She nods and walks around the counter to get the materials.

“Two will be good.” I pay for the paper and take everything to my SUV. My eyes return back down the street to the bakery where my future wife is, and I look away because a large crowd has just formed a line to get inside. Unless I feel like going to jail, it’s best I stay away from the men in the group. I’ll never get to know her that way, not to mention finish my book.

By the time I get back to the house, I’m unable to write again. Last night when she came over, I nearly embarrassed myself when my towel was stretched thin by the growing arousal. It was twenty degrees out, and I was sporting wood for the pretty little perverted cookie girl.

Who was that asshole after my little sugarplum?

I shoot Sarah a message.Forget about the other place; I’m not leaving yet.

What if she was going to say yes to that asshole? I should have waited for her response. No, I would have snapped his neck. Rage builds up in me like I’ve never felt before, even more when the girl at the coffee shop in town had spilled my hot coffee all over my manuscript after I’d made fifty pages of notes on it. I had to stifle the anger because it could damage my career, but I’d wanted to have her fired on the spot. She became the next victim in my novel, and I made it count.

Suddenly, I picture my newest nemesis and make him a part of the story. Miles would have a gruesome death. As I write this novel, my killer becomes more vengeful. The words flow wildly when I think about that pencil dick after my woman. Didn’t he see that I was there, madly insane with jealousy? He couldn’t tell that she belonged to someone else? Those sexy, icy-blue-colored eyes stayed glued to my cock as I stood there dumbfounded by the prettiest little woman in the world. She staked her claim, and so I staked mine.

My eyes move to my phone, checking the time every few minutes, unable to wait to see her again. I wonder how many men ask her out. Probably every eligible man in the area with a damn pulse. Anger simmers, and I use it to fuel the next three chapters.

It’s well past dark when I look at the time. I have an hour until she’s done, so I get changed and head down to the bakery in the center of town. When I get there, the doors are locked. The sign is flipped to closed for the day. I pound on the door, drawing attention from the locals walking around.

Then I see her pop out of the kitchen with a mop in her hand. She shouldn’t be working so damn hard. Setting the mop down, she comes to the door and unlocks it.

“I didn’t think you’d come….” My mouth is on hers before she can finish whatever she was going to say. There is no need for words at the moment. I’ve missed those lips all damn day.

“Get it, girl.” The woman from this morning appears and my woman pulls back instantly, like she’s embarrassed to be caught kissing her future husband.

“How was work, beautiful?”

“It was nice,” she says with a dazed expression in her eyes.

Her buddy, with a rolling pin in hand, glares at me and says, “So, I’m just going to give you a quick warning. Hurt her, and there will be a host of people ready to run you out of town.”

“I’m not going to leave or hurt her. In fact, I need to apologize for being so rude. I’m James Snow,” I tell my woman directly, formally introducing myself.

“I’m Holiday Belle.” Fuck, could she be any more adorable?

“Good. Now that we got that out of the way, let’s get back to where we left off.” I kiss her again in the picture window, wanting everyone to see me claim her for my own.

“What did you put in those cookies? I need the recipe,” her smartass friend says. I like her, but right now, I want to get Holiday alone and away from all these men in town.

“It’s time to go, Holiday.”

“I don’t even know you.”
