Page 122 of The Troublemaker

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She leaned forward, and he arched up, taking one nipple between his teeth and tugging.

She let out a cry, uncaring that they were out in the open. Uncaring that anyone might hear.

He didn’t care, either. All that mattered was this. Them.

He wanted to build a fortress around them. Protect them from the outside. But who would protect her from him? That was the question. It was the one he didn’t have an answer to.

She moved herself back and forth, teasing them both, before tilting her hips and nearly taking him inside, the near penetration sending off a firestorm of need through his system.

But she denied them. Over and over, she denied them, until he grabbed her hips and seated her fully on his arousal. “I need you,” he growled, and she let out a hoarse cry, her internal muscles tightening around him, pulsing with desire. Her climax was sudden, raw and needy, and he wanted more of it. He wanted everything. It wasn’t fair. Because he couldn’t give her everything, but he wanted every last shred of her. Down to her soul. He wasn’t disciplined enough to deny himself that.

He was so greedy. He wanted everything.

Everything that she was willing to give.

She rode him, and he watched the show, watched as the sunlight slid over her pale skin, as the breeze kicked up and made the leaves move, shifting the shadows over her beautiful skin. Her breasts moving gently in a sensuous rhythm, as she set a pace for them that threatened to drive him insane.

Finally, he grabbed her hips and forced her down hard as he thrust up, drove them both to the edge again, made her scream out his name before he lost himself. Or maybe he found himself. He didn’t quite know which.

And he didn’t know which he actually wanted.

Except her. Except this moment. Beyond it, he didn’t have a clue. But right now he wanted her. Right now he had her.

“I definitely never thought I would do that...outside.”

“Well, you’re very good at it,” he said.

“Thank you. I don’t know if I ever expected to take a compliment on my skills, either.”

“What was that about?”

“I just want for us to be us. Lachlan and Charity, but more. Everything. Now you know me. Naked inside and outside and in the dark and in the sun. You know how much I want you. You know that you take all of my inhibitions and turn them into nothing. You’re my everything.”

He wrapped his arms around her, held her close. “You’re mine, too,” he said. “Don’t doubt that.”

Except, he wondered if a person could be everything when the other was still guarding a piece of themselves.Could you have everything if you couldn’t give everything?

What he had to give had to be enough. Because there was just no way he could ever expose her to the rest of him. It would have to be enough.

They went back to the house and had dinner together. Then they went to their room and made love again.


Something in him wanted it. Demanded it.

Suddenly, he was exhausted. In a deep way he’d never felt before. It wasn’t about needing sleep. It was needing to stop the war.

The one that demanded he draw closer to her and pull away.

He couldn’t pull away. Not anymore.

He didn’t have the strength.

So he pulled her into his arms and held her close, listened to her heartbeat.

Peace. This was peace. It didn’t have to be war.

He could have this.
