Page 43 of The Troublemaker

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They had a big tent set out over the lawn today because it was drizzling; tables were shoved underneath with excellent barbecue, pasta salads, potato salads, pies and other baked goods. Everybody turned out their best for the town hall meetings, and it was always a great time with better food.

There was a big old bonfire that was strong enough to reach back up and punch the rain in the face, but first, they would have to get down to the business of the meeting.

There had been quite a few instances of them all locking horns lately, what with the Sullivans pushing to complete a new building and open it as a store, and the necessity of permits and easements and newly excavated roads that would need to be paid for out of the community pot.

They all helped each other, and the way that they managed their cash flow among all the different branches got everybody through the lean times, kept it all running like a well-oiled machine, but that didn’t mean there weren’t occasional disputes.

It was just the way things were, especially when you had so many people working in one place. With very big personalities and very strong opinions.

They had taken a pretty decent infusion of cash at McCloud’s Landing when they had started the equine therapy. But now the meetings were kind of a spectator sport, since they were done with their big change. It suited Lachlan just fine.

The meeting that took place in the big old barn next to the Sullivans’ white farmhouse went off with only minor explosives. There was one near fight between Fia and Landry that was headed off by Fia’s younger sister, Quinn, who laid out her plans, which would involve drawing a little less cash out of the pot. Provided she could pull it off.

“Timing,” Quinn said, tapping her binder. “I’m just trying to nail down the timing.”

Afterward, they all went outside to the big bonfire, and he wished that he would’ve invited Charity. She came sometimes, just to spend the evening and enjoy the food, but she wasn’t really part of Four Corners, so it wasn’t like it was mandatory. He just enjoyed her company.

She could’ve stood by to give him pointers on his behavior. His posture probably wasn’t good enough to be approaching a woman that he was considering asking to be his wife.

That made him laugh.

Fia was standing over by the table filled with pie, her red hair captured high up in a ponytail, her green eyes still sparking with fury.

He had seen a similar look on his sister-in-law’s face when Gus was irritating her.

Marrying a Sullivan didn’t guarantee a peaceful existence, that was for damn sure. But there was something about the particular spark Alaina possessed that seemed to bring Gus to life. So maybe it would be the same for him.

“Howdy,” he said.

Fia looked at him like he had grown another head. He supposed they didn’t talk to each other all that often. But they had grown up together. They lived on adjacent properties. It wasn’t like they were strangers.

“Hi,” she said.

“Sounds like you guys are making pretty fair progress.”

“Pretty fair. Slower than I would like. But the hideous weather kind of slowed down construction efforts, and then there’s the whole issue of Levi Granger. And trying to get in to talk to him about an easement with his road. But Quinn claims she’s going to handle that.”

“Yeah. Granger is kind of an unfriendly bastard.”

The man who owned the neighboring ranch was not big on cross communication. For him, ranching was not a group sport.

“How’s everything going with...your thing?” she asked.

“Pretty good. I assume Alaina has filled you in a little bit.”

“Yeah. A little bit. My sister seems pretty happy over there at McCloud’s Landing.”

“A miracle if ever there was one,” he said. “Since nobody used to be all that happy over there at McCloud’s.”

“True. It’s good. It’s good to see Gus that happy.”

“Yeah. Definitely. So. We’re having a poker game over at my place tomorrow night. I was wondering if you wanted to come.”

He had not in fact planned a poker game at his place for tomorrow night, but hewould. Very quickly, as soon as he left here. Charity, Brody and Elizabeth, Tag and Nelly... Yeah. He’d fill up the chairs.

“Oh,” she said. “I...haven’t played a lot of poker.”

“It’s fun. And I’d love to have you.”
