Page 82 of The Troublemaker

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“I gave you the beetles. And now they’re just mine again.”

He laughed. “Feels symbolic.”

“Don’t go there. I might start the bad idea.”

“Better not,” he said.

“What am I going to do about...”

“Tomorrow’s problem,” he said. “You can tell him whatever you want, it doesn’t have to be the whole truth. Relationships end.”

“I knew something was wrong. When he came I... He walked up to the door, and it reminded me of when you had come to pick me up for the date. But I was more excited to see you. And I see you every day. I knew something was wrong.”

“This just showed you. Why you couldn’t marry him.”

She nodded. “You’re not wrong.”

“Do you need some tea?”

A soft smile that would’ve been a whisper if it was spoken out loud. Then she shook her head. “I’ll just lie here with you.”

“Can I stay the night?”

He didn’t do that. Didn’t sleep with women.

Sometimes he didn’t sleep at all.

She clung to him then. “You have to. You can’t leave me.”

A lead weight settled in his chest. “I won’t. I promise.”

He’d handle it.

He realized that was more than just a promise for tonight. It was a vow. One he damn well had to keep. Because she deserved everything. She deserved... He wondered if he was capable of giving her everything she deserved. But it kind of didn’t matter. Because this was what he wanted. And this was what he would have.


SHEWOKEUPwith a start. Lachlan wasn’t in bed with her. She was very aware that he should be, which was funny because he never had been before. But she woke up marked by her time with him, and she didn’t forget, even for a moment. Even with the last vestiges of sleep still clinging to her.

He hadn’t stayed.

He’d promised.

The pain of that was like a knife, and she fought against the panic it brought on.

She sat up and suddenly, there he was, in the doorway. Wearing nothing but a pair of jeans, which he quickly discarded as he moved toward the bed. He walked over to her and got onto the bed, caging her between his arms. “Good morning.”

“Lachlan.” But he kissed her. He kissed her, and everything melted away. Most especially her resistance. And then he got beneath the covers... He was making love with her. Her pleasure crescendoed so quickly she could hardly believe it. His own followed just as quickly, their cries mingling together.

He let out a ragged breath and kissed her shoulder. “That’s a quickie,” he said.

“Efficient,” she panted, her body humming with satisfaction and need.

“Just a preview. For later. But I figure... I figure we’ve got some things to get done today.”

“I guess so,” she said.

She was resentful of that. Of Byron being here. Of having work to do.
