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“What would you like me to say? That I’m sorry? I am sorry I had to keep this from you, but I can’t say I would do anything different.”

My fork drops to my plate. “Are you serious right now?”

“Jaxon, if you would have known from the start, you never would have even looked in my direction. I wanted you to get to know me for me, not my title. I’ve given you your space like you asked, but I’m done with that. I want you home.”

“I’ve already told you that isn’t my…” My words dry up when Kane’s eyes narrow.

“Itisyour home. Your home is wherever I am. What can I do?”

The longer I look at him, the more my resolve to distance myself lessens. Just his presence beside me makes me feel better, and that’s a whole other problem in itself. I’ve known him for a few weeks, and he already has such a hold on me that I can’t even eat or sleep without him around. “You have to be honest with me from now on. No more lies, half-truths, or bullshit. Total honesty like we agreed to.”

“I promise that’s the only thing that I haven’t been honest about.” Kane tugs on my arm until I stand, then pulls me between his thighs. “You mean the world to me,Litso kukly. And from here on out, if you want to know everything, then you will.”

“I want to know why you were arrested.”

Kane stands up, leads me to the living room, sits on the couch, and pulls me into his lap. He tells me all about the NYPD breathing down his neck, and the deal he has with the Captain and the Lieutenant. Then what happened for them to get thrown in lock-up. “We took care of Michaels yesterday. He shouldn’t be a problem, at least for a little while.” Kane situates me so I’m straddling his lap, pulling my forehead against his. “I wouldn’t be able to live knowing that something happened to you because of me. That’s why it’s important that we stay close.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“No. I need you by my side. I want people to know that you’re mine so they don’t fuck with you. I’m not going to pretend that this life isn’t dangerous because it is. But you need to know that I’ll do everything I can to protect you.”

“I’m fucking scared, Kane,” I whisper. “Not just of who you are but how this relationship is going.”

“Do you need me to back off? I never want you to feel pressured.”

“I don’t. I just,” I slide off his lap and watch his fingers flex, wanting to drag me back, “this has been a whirlwind. First with you, then Eli and Blaze, then the contract.”

“None of that has to happen unlessyouwant it to.”

“I know, but I want it, and that’s what makes it so fucking confusing. I was lost without you, Kane, after two fucking days.”

“I was too, and that isn’t a feeling I’ve had before. That tells me that what we have is meant to be,Litso kukly. You’ve had me tied in knots since day one.”

He pulls me back onto his lap, and his lips land on mine. I sink into the kiss and let all the feelings wash over me. I let go of the fear and just feel. The panic starts to rise up, and I stomp it back down, refusing to let it take this away from me.

When we finally pull back, we’re both breathless, and Kane rubs his thumb across my bottom lip. “There’s someone that I want you to meet.”


A sad look passes across Kane’s face. “My sister, Kira.” I’ve heard him talk about her a few times but never in much detail. “Go get dressed, and we’ll head over there.”

I peck his lips and head to the bedroom to throw on a button-up shirt with a pair of jeans. Kane is waiting for me at the front door to put my shoes on. We head to the limo hand in hand, and the ride to wherever we’re going is silent but not uncomfortable. Kane has his hand on my thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb. I’m plastered to the side of his body just like nothing has changed.

We pull in front of a sterile-looking, all-white building about thirty minutes later, and Dalton pulls open our door. Kane grabs my hand and leads me into a lobby where we have to sign in. I scribble my name down, and the girl behind the desk hands us guest passes. “Kane, what is this place?” I ask when we step into the elevator.

“It’s a rehab of sorts.” He sighs when he sees me looking at him for more information. “You’ll understand in a minute.”

We step off the elevator, and Kane leads me down the hall to a closed door. He knocks lightly on it and pushes it open. “Kira?”

“In here.”

We step inside the dimly lit room, and I see a figure sitting in the corner, mostly hidden in the dark. “I brought someone to meet you.”

She steps out, and I have to school my reaction. She’s wearing a bright rainbow beanie, but that’s not what makes me pause. Her face is puckered and scarred from what looks like horrible burns. Her lip is twisted unnaturally, and every other part of her body is covered, including gloves on her hands. “You must be Jaxon.” Her voice comes out as a rough whisper, and my heart breaks for whatever she’s had to go through.

“It’s nice to meet you,” I say and step forward to shake her hand. She slightly frowns at it but slides her tiny hand into mine. She can’t be any more than five feet tall and looks childlike compared to Kane’s big stature. “I hope we didn’t disturb you.”

“You didn’t. Kane said he wanted to bring you by.” She steps around me and wraps her arms around Kane’s waist. His arms come around her, and I can see his arms shaking from emotion. What the hell happened to her? “I’ve missed you.”
