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Oh. That. He’d forgotten to mention it.

“We’re not going out for New Year’s Eve,” he said. “We’re staying right here and having everyone over.”

J.J.’s eyes widened. It was a first. The last few years, he’d hosted a party at the ski resort, but the resort was self-sustaining now. He’d pop by to make sure everything was okay, but Trevor and his crew had everything under control. Hopefully, even he’d be able to join the family as they relaxed and enjoyed the last evening of the year at home for the first time since before the ski resort was up and running.

“So, all the cousins will be here?” J.J. asked.

Holden nodded. “Like today. But if you don’t get any sleep, you’ll be too grumpy to enjoy it.”

J.J. narrowed her eyes at him. She wasn’t buying that. Not anymore. It wasn’t much different from him saying that if she didn’t get to bed early enough, Santa wouldn’t visit.

Sometimes he missed her being young. But while he wouldn’t trade a minute of his time with her growing up, they were in a great place now. They were exactly where they belonged.

“What’s going on in here?” Faith asked.

She stood in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest. She looked just as groggy as he still felt, but his heart soared at the sight of her.

Smiling, he gestured toward J.J. “She’s taking care of things for us so we can go back to bed.”

“Ha!” J.J. said. “I say we get Emory up and start opening presents.”

Holden fully expected Faith to turn her down and suggest they all go back to bed. But instead, she straightened in the doorway and said, “I’ll get the coffee started. Meet me in the living room.” Then she took off.

“I guess I’ve been outnumbered again,” Holden said.

But he had a smile on his face as he crossed the room and took Easton from J.J.’s arms. “Go get your sister up. Let’s get this party started.”

As he followed his oldest child out of the nursery, his youngest in his arms, Holden’s heart was full. All his life, he’d craved this feeling of family, of belonging. And now, living here in Misty Mountain, he had more family than he could’ve ever dreamed. He was the luckiest man alive, and he’d never take a day of it for granted.

* * *
