Page 61 of Falling Shadows

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I finally lift my gaze to his, rolling my shoulders back as relief floods my limbs. The pain has subsided almost completely. “Thank you.”

“Not from you, but I’ll take it,” he says with a wink before breezing past Zane without a backward glance.

Eldon seems to check that the coast is clear before turning back to me. “How do you feel now?”

I take a second to feel every bone, muscle, and limb before answering. “So much better, thank you.” He may not have been the one to actually heal me, but I get the sense that this is what he rushed off to do and I appreciate it.

“Good. Let’s grab our things and head back. We’ve got tonight to prepare for.” His nose scrunches in distaste and I finally remember the gala we’re supposed to attend.

Fuck my life. Do they not think I’ve been through enough today? Making me be social on top of a near-death experience is too much, but I already know I don’t have a say in the matter.

“Okay, I’ll get my things in a minute. Can I speak with Brax for a second first?” I ask, hoping he can’t avoid me if I ask him in front of the others, but he’s already shaking his head.


There’s no explanation, no reasoning, nothing. Just two letters forming the most frustrating word I could have asked for. My mistake was clearly letting him have a choice in the matter, but before I can try and rectify that, he’s storming past the curtain and out of the showers.


“What am I missing here?” Eldon asks, and I shake my head in response. I don’t want to talk about it in such a public place. I don’t know if either of us could get into trouble or not.

“It’s nothing. I’ll speak to him later. Let me go change and I’ll meet you outside.” My pain might be gone but the exhaustion is still real, so I don’t wait for any of them to approve.

Thankfully, the guys’ locker room is empty when I step out and the girls’ is the exact same when I enter. I'm relieved when I find my belongings exactly where I left them. I run on autopilot as I switch out my clothes for my uniform, forgoing the tie before I make my way back outside.

I find Creed waiting for me and, when I lock eyes with him, I can already tell I’m not going to like what he’s about to say. For someone who remains so quiet and observant, I can read his gaze today; for the first time.

“Are you ready to go shopping?”

My eyebrows pinch. “No.”

“I didn’t think so, but I’m also guessing you need a dress for tonight.”


He’s right.

“Did you draw the short straw to come with me?”

“If I get to watch you change from one dress to another, I wouldn’t call that the short straw. Would you?”

* * *

I feel better about being in the shopping district with a sugary coffee in one hand and a pastry in the other. I’m bone-numbingly tired, but the coffee will help with that, for now. When I set out my demands for heading over here, Creed accepted without batting an eye. Not that it’s his fault we’re here; it’s mine. Mine for surviving, mine for not being prepared for doing said surviving. He’s here, helping me despite my crankiness, and I will say thank you eventually.

“Are you ready?” Creed asks, slowing outsideSilhouette’s. Various floor-length ballgowns frame the delicately decorated window fronts and I gulp. I’ve never worn a long, elegant dress before.

“As I’ll ever be,” I murmur, stuffing the final bite of pastry into my mouth before we enter.

Creed holds the door for me and a powdery floral scent immediately hits my senses.

“Good afternoon. My name is Louisa. I’m assuming you’re here to prepare for tonight’s event?” I turn to find a brunette with a broad smile and bright green eyes walking toward us.

“We are. We’ll browse the racks if you wouldn’t mind setting up a dressing room for us.” She flutters her eyelashes at Creed’s request, nodding eagerly.

“Sounds perfect. Congratulations on your success this week. I’m sure you’re proud to be attending tonight,” she says before giving us some space. If only she knew how I would rather claw my eyeballs out than deal with tonight. I bet that would make me sound ungrateful, despite the fact that I had to risk my life to be in attendance.

“Thank you,” I breathe as soon as it’s just myself and Creed in the room.
