Page 19 of Destined Shadows

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He knows exactly how to get under my skin in the most delicious way and I don’t hate it.


He leans into Zane, murmuring in his ear for a moment before resuming his stance with his arms folded over his chest. Zane grins from ear to ear, his eyes dancing with desire as he steps toward me.

“Remember, Raven. Don’t forget to channel inside of yourself, no matter what emotion you’re feeling. That will help us,” he states with a wink, and I nod, even though anticipation claws at me, making it impossible to truly process his words. “You trust me, right?” His nose is close to brushing mine, he’s that close now, a surprisingly warm breeze fluttering around us.

“Yes,” I breathe without question.

“Creed,” he hollers, confusing me for a second, and I look to my quiet observer over Zane’s shoulder. But no sooner do my eyes land on his does the world fade to darkness. I’m not scared, though. I know it’s him, his powers, just like when we were in the woods, and it only makes me feel closer to him.

Taking a deep breath, I try to relax, but fingers trailing down the opening of my academy-issued blouse set me on fire. I assume it’s still Zane, but I can’t truly tell anymore. I just have to trust in them. One by one, each button is undone until I feel it hang loose at my sides, the breeze kissing even more of my exposed skin. A second later, I no longer feel the material draped over my skin at all and I shiver.

Fingers brush against the waistband of my skirt before the fabric is slowly dragged over my hips and down my thighs. Once again, the feeling lasts for only a moment before it’s gone, and I swear my shoes have been removed with them because I can feel a slight breeze on the soles of my feet.

My skin heats, my need evident as I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, ready to be completely exposed to them.

Excited for Zane’s touch, my breaths start to come in shorter, sharper bursts, but an eternity passes and still nothing happens.

“What are you feeling, Dove?” Zane’s words drift over me, breaking through the fog of desperation coiled up in my core, and I take a second to consider my answer, but it’s hard to focus when hands run over the globes of my ass. “And I don’t mean the sexual tension so thick I could cut it with a knife, I mean deeper than that.”

Fuck, I don’t have anything deeper to offer him, do I?

Running my tongue over my bottom lip, I inhale slowly through my nose before exhaling past my lips. The wind still gently whips around us, but I can’t see anything in the darkness and I’m stripped down to my underwear, at their mercy.

Other than the sexual need, there’s only one thing I feel. It’s exactly what he asked of me earlier. “Trust… I trust you.”

“That’s it, Dove. And how does that feel in here?” he asks, his fingers trailing over my chest and down between the valley of my breasts.


“It’s going to keep feeling hot as fuck if you keep touching me like that,” I grumble, his chuckle ringing in my ears a moment later as I delve into my magic like I did before. Just as it was then, I come back with the same, shaking my head with a hint of defeat as my answer.

His lips press at the corner of my mouth a second later, leaving me just as needy as before, but any hope that he’s going to continue is short-lived when my vision slowly comes back to me and I see him cutting back across the space to the other Bishops.

All of the anticipation and hope dwindles into irritation and I can’t see past it. “This isn’t fucking fun anymore,” I bite, eager to cover my body and hide it from them, but my arms are still locked in place.

“Raven, you’ve got this. We just have to focus,” Creed says, kindness and hope flashing in his eyes as he softly smiles at me, but I’m too annoyed for it to aid the insufferable feelings building inside of me.

“One more try?” Eldon offers, and my jaw tightens as I glance at him.

I don’t know if I can survive another attempt under these circumstances. I’m worn out and exhausted already. Anything more and I might combust. If not with an orgasm, then with rage. The look in his eyes has the ability to work wonders on me because, despite the fury threatening to make me call this whole thing off and take care of myself, I find myself nodding anyway.

He grins with victory, but it’s not him that steps forward. It’s not Zane coming to rectify the misery he’s left me in, or even Creed with his pending darkness.


It’s Brax.

The prowl in his every step quickens my heart, making it gallop in my chest. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell the asshole to fuck off and call it quits, but the second he’s standing right in front of me, it’s all forgotten. The lace covering my pussy is gone with a snap as he tears at it before plunging two fingers deep into my core, and I scream.

Relief and desire swirl inside of me, notable in my whimpers as he doesn’t relent, swirling his fingers deep in my core. My muscles tense, excitement zapping through my limbs as the first note of my orgasm tingles in my toes.

It’s gone the second I feel it, his fingers too, and my cries of pleasure quickly morph into frustration. “Don’t fuck with me, Brax,” I bite, my face dropping so my chin hits my chest. My eyes close as I try to calm my breathing, but it’s not looking good.

“What do you feel, Shadow?”

I whimper at his question, my eyes squeezing even tighter. If I was ever curious if I was a submissive and into edging, this right here confirms I’m so far from it that my name will never be uttered in the same sentence.
