Page 6 of Her Hunky Scrooge

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I lifted my slice of pizza with my left hand and slid my right hand under the coat, biting and chomping casually as I ran my fingers over the top of his dress pants. How many times had I watched this man briskly make his way through the halls of our building, never even glancing in my direction? I always thought he was hot but never dared imagine what he might look like under those button-down shirts and dress pants.

Now it was all I could think about.

My eyes involuntarily closed as his hand reached my entrance. He was close—so close. Just a fraction of an inch and he’d be touching me in a way no man ever had.

In a way no man ever would again.

That thought rushed through my mind in the milliseconds before his finger made contact. That was when all conscious thought fled, including the reminder that I couldn’t let this man get into my heart. Blake Kincaid would never fall for a woman like me, especially if he found out I was an employee. In fact, he’d probably be furious when he learned that.

I took a deep breath and forced my eyes open. I had to look like something wasn’t going on here, but waves of pleasure were flooding my body. My heart raced as every nerve ending seemed to come to life. I still had my hand over his bulge, and I wanted nothing more than to touch him, to feel him. I tugged on his zipper and down it went, only to reveal cotton beneath. That wasn’t enough. I had to get past that.

I slid upward, expecting to find a belt buckle, but instead, it was just a button. Didn’t he normally wear a belt?

Oh, God. What he was doing to me felt so good. My pussy clenched around his fingers as he slid two inside, moving in and out while brushing across my clit.

I nudged the fabric of his pants aside with my thumb, sliding my hand inside his briefs. He was hard…so hard…and I was the one doing that to him.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone approaching and quickly withdrew my hand. He didn’t stop, though, continuing to move in and out as the server stopped in front of us. Blake lifted his drink and took a sip, not giving any indication of what was going on under this coat.

I, meanwhile, bit my tongue, hoping the pain would mask the arousal that had to show in my eyes. The server was mostly talking to Blake, though, so all I had to do was smile and nod.

“I think we’re good,” he said.

Did he sound a little out of breath? I kept my eyes on the server, looking for even the slightest trace she was onto us.

Sure enough, her smile faltered a little, and I was sure she was suspicious. But another server appeared behind her, said something, and pointed to the left. Off they went, leaving us alone again.

“We should get out of here,” Blake said. “Can we go back to your place?”

I shook my head. “I have roommates.”

He grabbed his wallet on the table next to him. “We’ll figure it out,” he said. “I’ll go pay at the bar. Meet me out front.”



I’d take Carly back to my place. That was the plan, anyway.

But I nearly froze her to death, asking her to meet me outside. She made a bathroom stop on her way, but still, a few minutes was a few minutes too long to stand outside in December in Northwest Washington.

“I parked in here,” I said, putting my arm around her and steering her toward the parking garage next to the lounge. The building on the other side was her condo.

“This is where I always park,” she said as we stepped into the vestibule that housed the elevator.

If this weren’t so public facing, I’d take her right here against the wall. That was how hard I was for her. I felt like if I didn’t feel her tight, slick pussy around me soon, I’d implode.

But I held out, even resisting the temptation to push the stop button on the elevator. This woman deserved a soft mattress, even if that mattress was in a home I’d once shared with another woman.

No, I couldn’t think about that. Funny, but it didn’t hurt like I thought it would, being with someone new. Suddenly, it was as if this one woman had demolished the wall I’d built around my heart. And now, I wanted nothing more than to open myself to her fully.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

She turned and looked at me as the elevator doors closed behind her. I took in her flushed features. The cold hadn’t caused that. I had.

Her eyes were wide, and there was an innocence in her expression that went straight to my heart. I wanted to take care of her, to make sure no one could hurt her. It’d been so long, I’d forgotten what it was like to feel that way.

This was what I missed about being in love.
