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Chapter One - Rowan

The apartment felt like a pressure cooker, the tension thick enough to slice through. Bel was pacing, her hands balled into fists, her footsteps sharp against the wooden floor. I leaned against the kitchen counter, watching her, trying to find the right words to diffuse the bomb ticking away in front of me.

"Bel, you need to chill," I said, keeping my voice even. "Ali's a grown-ass man. He can make his own choices."

"He's being an idiot, Rowan!" Bel snapped, her voice a notch higher. "Kyne is dangerous, and Ali's just... just gallivanting around with him like it's nothing!"

I sighed, rubbing the bridge of my nose. Inside, my brain was whirring, trying to hatch a plan to sneak out and head to La Societe de la Nuit. But I couldn't leave Bel like this. Not when she was about to burst into flames.

"He's smitten, Bel. You know how it is when—" I started but got cut off.

"Smitten? With a fucking wolf shifter who's connected to all this supernatural bullshit?" She threw her hands in the air, her frustration almost tangible. "He's putting himself in danger, and for what? Some... some fling?"

I pushed off the counter, stepping closer. "Bel, you can't control who he falls for. And Kyne... well, he doesn't seem like a bad guy."

Bel spun on her heel, her eyes flashing. "Not a bad guy? Rowan, wake up! We don't know anything about him, really. And after what happened with Danny, how can you even say that?"

Her words stung, a reminder of the gaping hole Danny's absence had left in our lives. I swallowed, pushing down the rising anxiety. "Look, I get it. You're scared. We all are. But losing our heads over this won't help."

She slumped onto the sofa, burying her face in her hands. "I just... I don't want anyone else to get hurt."

I sat next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I know. I feel the same. But we have to trust Ali to handle his own shit. He's not a kid."

Bel's shoulders shook with a silent sob. "I just feel so fucking helpless, Rowan. Like we're just sitting ducks waiting for whatever shitstorm is coming our way."

My heart ached for her. I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close. "We'll figure this out, Bel. I promise."

As she leaned into me, her body trembling with restrained sobs, my mind raced. I needed to get to the club, to start putting the pieces together. But I couldn't just leave her like this.

After a few moments, her sobs subsided, and she pulled away, wiping her eyes. "Sorry for losing it. I'm just... it's all too much."

"No need to apologize. We're all on edge," I said, giving her a small smile. "How about I make us some tea? That might help calm the nerves."

She nodded, a weak smile on her face. "Yeah, that sounds good."

As I stood up, heading to the kitchen, my mind clicked into place. The tea. I moved to the kitchen, my mind racing with the dual tasks of comforting Bel and finding a way to slip out. As the kettle boiled, I rummaged through the cupboard, my fingers brushing against the small tin I'd hidden at the back. Inside were dried herbs, not just for flavor, but for purpose.

I plucked out a pinch of lavender and chamomile, herbs known for their calming properties, and a tiny sprig of valerian root – a potent aid for sleep. As I dropped them into Bel's mug, I whispered under my breath, a soft incantation passed down through generations of witches in my family.

"Let slumber's embrace hold you tight, grant peace and rest throughout the night."

The words were a mere breath, the magic subtle, but potent. It was a simple spell, one to ease her into sleep, to give her some respite from the storm of emotions raging inside her. I felt a twinge of guilt using magic on her, but I reasoned it was for the best. She needed rest, and I needed to leave.

The kettle whistled, snapping me back to the moment. I poured the hot water into the mugs, watching as the herbs steeped, their essence mingling with the steam. I carried the mugs back to the living room, offering one to Bel with a reassuring smile.

"Here you go. Chamomile. It'll help," I said, my voice steady.

She took a sip, her eyes fluttering closed for a moment, the spell weaving its gentle magic. I watched her, waiting, the weight of my impending departure pressing down on me. As her breathing slowed, her body relaxing into the sofa, I knew the spell had worked.

I stood, placing my untouched mug on the table. I glanced at her one last time, her face serene in sleep, then grabbed my jacket and bag. The night air greeted me with a chill as I stepped out, the quiet of the apartment giving way to the sounds of the city at night.

I closed the door softly behind me, a silent apology hanging in the air. The night was mine now, and with it, the daunting task that lay ahead.

The neon sign of La Societe de la Nuit flickered in the darkness, casting a surreal glow on the street. I stepped up to the entrance, my heart pounding in my chest. The bouncer, a burly guy with a no-nonsense look, eyed me skeptically.

"ID," he grunted, his hand outstretched.

I handed it over, but he barely glanced at it before shaking his head. "Not tonight, kid. Private event."
