Page 152 of Hostile Fates

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I eyed my guard who was beaming at me. “Vice helped me.”

The gift was a big metal emblem… of the logo on the back of each leathered angel cut.

I’d soon learn the gift only cost a fraction of what Vice sold my gold for, and that he was going to surprise me with my own safe, full of my leftover money.

Not that it mattered. The pride in Lynx’s eyes made it all worth it.

4 months later

Now I understood the joy Kelly got from remodeling for the one he loved. I had many Stallions to do this for. Besides the construction process was fun for me, I truly enjoyed the designing aspect, being a part of getting it done—hiring, and even doing some work myself. Plus, I felt like I was contributing to those who helped me—changed my life. And, it kept me very active. Lynx was still busy with, from what I could gather, cartels and other ‘club’ issues.

I didn’t take offense at being left out. I was very used to being uninformed. To be honest, I didn’t want to know and worry. Lynx said the less I knew the safer I was.

I loved being safe… So, I continued with my work.

By this point, I had converted Lynx’s bedroom and private bathroom into a warm getaway. Spending most of my life alone, it was surprising that I missed the quiet at times. I thought I would always want people around me. It seemed the damaged parts of me needed more time and space to adjust.

Lynx’s room was done with my own money. He let me have that pride about the project. Not that it stopped him from ‘accidently’ placing a stack of cash in my safe, from time to time.

Squatting at my open safe, I snarled, “Lynx? What’s this?”

Laying on the bed, on his side, like a god, he grinned. “Oh shit, did I get safes confused again?”

Of course, there was no mistaking the two. Mine could fit inside his.

The Barn was completely remodeled and refurnished and was loved by the men. I was even asked to remodel their private rooms, too! As soon as I was done with my next project, I was going to help them all. Even the bunnies asked if they could assist me.

The new warehouse was well underway, to the point I could no longer contribute and had to leave the heavy work to the hired construction company.

Since the Stallions loved my ideas, and how they were panning out so far, the budget became whatever I wanted or needed. Legend hadn’t lied. They had the money and didn’t blink as I spent it. He even paid me for my services. I’d never had a job before, one where I received payments. It was a full circle kind of moment for me no longer being the payment.

Now I was concentrating on the inside again, helping construction men blow out walls and build new ones. The strangers didn’t have the freedom they did outside. In the clubhouse, they were heavily monitored. They never spoke to me about anything other than business.

I asked Vice why. His reply was, “Your Old Man has a bit of a… reputation around here. And that was before he had a woman he’d do anything for. The construction guys prefer to not test his crazy.”

The same went with Lorenzo, which I hated, yet with Lynx, it was somehow… romantic.

In the hallway near ‘church’, a Stallion meeting room I was going to rename The Stables—which Lynx had warned would fly like some balloon made of lead—after remodeling it, I found VP coming out of his Pops’ office—another room I was giddy to get my hands on.

Lynx smiled. “Babe, you good? Getting claustrophobic?”

“What? Why?”

“You’ve been on lockdown for months.”

“This is considered lockdown? Pfft! I’m having a great time.”

He wrapped me up in his arms. “Goddamn, you’re perfect for me.”

Just then, Vice exited the office. Sliding past Lynx, he said, “Church in ten.” Vice then cursed at a Prospect headed down the hall toward us. “What is that?”

The prospect said, “A delivered box for Prez.”

Vice shoved him back in the direction he had come. “There’s no post office stamp. You never bring a box to Legend without a stamp. Move faster, dude! You’re leaking shit everywhere…” his voice faded.

Lynx winked at me. “Does ten minutes work?”

I grabbed his hand and started yanking him further down the hallway. “Yes!”
