Page 31 of Hostile Fates

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“Hi,” I half-ass waved, not sure what to say to the kid who had a face that was swollen as if he’d gotten into a fight and lost. Big time.

He was still my height at the time. “Hey,” he replied, equally as timid.

I pointed down to Everleigh clinging to my leg. “This is my sister, Ev.”

Sucking on a finger, Ev shyly giggled up at him.

“Hey,” he quietly replied to her as if he knew toddler giggle-talk.

We were standing in the main room of the clubhouse, men trying to help Wings, who was staring at the boy, completely shocked he even had a kid. His knuckles were scraped up, and there was blood splattered across his shirt and cut, none of which had been there when he left on his bike.

Nervously, the kid kept eyeing Wings, trying not to get caught doing it.

The situation was uncomfortable, to say the least. I wanted out of there and suspected this kid did, too. “I have Atari games. Wanna play?” I’d love to have been able to go outside, but that wasn’t an option yet. Legend was still on high alert with me and Ev.

Wiping blood from his busted lip with the back of his hand, the kid shrugged. “Sure.”

Legend started opening his mouth, most likely to protest, but Liam held up a hand. “I’ll go with them.” He motioned to Wings. “Give you guys space to deal with that.” He walked up to the kid and put out his hand. “Hey, Pup. I’m Dagger.”

I followed Liam, Ev scrambling to keep a hold of my leg.

“Dagger?” questioned Legend from behind.

Liam gazed down at me while replying, “Yup. It seems your son found my road name.” Then he looked back to the kid, his hand still lingering.

Starting to truly appreciate how Liam—Dagger—had meaning behind all his actions, I wondered what he was doing by waiting for the kid’s response.

Not saying anything, the kid studied the one-eyed man standing in front of him. Then he observed me close to Liam, and Ev twirling her slobbery finger on Dagger’s pant leg as if making sure he was close by. After a pause, the kid lifted his chin, then shook Dagger’s hand.

Liam grinned at him. “Well, alright, Pup.” Then he regarded Wings. “Yup! This is your kid. Got a grip like a vice.” He then ruffled the kid’s hair that looked like it hadn’t been cut in years. “Come on, Vice. Let’s blow this joint.”

That special day, two road names were born.

Gaining a friend my age, in a world most my age can’t fathom, was the only highlight I had. But it was quickly tainted by losing my now treasured shadow.

“Her little heart can’t handle this lifestyle, son. She needs a woman with a gentle touch to raise her.”

I stared at Liam as if he’d lost his mind. “Mom wants—”

He gently interrupted, “Her to have more than McDonald’s and pizza for dinner.”

My legs felt unsteady as we stood under the tree I wished was my mom’s favorite. I was losing my breath. “No, she wants her with me.”

His hands on his knees to be more at my level, he was sympathetic but firm on the decision Legend had made. “No, she wants her happy.”

"I make her happy!”

Barely able to look at me, he shook his head. “Lynx, you keep her from slipping into shock, There’s a big difference.” He exhaled as if it caused him pain. “Everleigh needs to be a free girl. Your mom never wanted her in constant fear at a motorcycle clubhouse—”

That I believed. “Then let us move back home,” I begged. “L-Let someone help raise her and me, but at home.”

His large hand cupped my face. “This is your home now, Lynx.”

Mom always knew where I was headed. What she was raising me for.

That was it. I was to never live in my childhood home again. I was now being forced to live my father’s way of life.

“Liam, please. There must be a way.”
