Page 103 of Praying for Lightning

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With a warm smile, she told me all I needed to know. “There have been eyes on him ever since he was found.”

Found… What a powerful word.

“I’m glad.”

She whispered through a sob. “Me, too.”

I took a deep breath of courage then faced the small living room that resembled a time from the past. The couch with wooden legs faced the window, not a TV. There were books, puzzles, and a Bible on the smooth, pretty coffee table.

Following my gaze, the former exotic dancer shrugged. “In case she also likes to pray.”

The pillows and throw blankets on the couch were the very same ones from the magazine pictures on the refrigerator. The girl who had picked them out was on the couch, too.


She had yet to look at me, not that I expected her to. When I moved toward the floral couch, Demi looked away from the window, where tree leaves were blowing in a gentle breeze, then to me.

She was … timeless. Dark hair, pale skin, and big, golden eyes that were mesmerizing.

Staring at her, I was entranced. “Is that what my eyes look like?”

Without invading our space, Moola quietly answered, “Yes. I call them heaven eyes.”

Without a word, Demi reached over to her left and pulled back the blanket that had been over her legs, curled snuggly in.

I accepted the invitation.

After I sat, she stretched the blanket to help cover my own legs.

“Thank you,” I told her.

She went back to staring out the window, so I did, too. Like she was, I was pleasantly lost in the calming view. I don’t know how long we sat together before I sighed. “That was like … meditating. Makes me feel good inside.”

Demi was small like me but younger. Maybe ten or eleven yet already with wisdom in her silence. Her hand reached out across the couch then opened. A dried yellow flower sat in her palm.

I swallowed, not wanting to spook her with a joy I could barely contain. “It’s lovely.”

Without looking at me, she lifted her hand in offering.

Again, I accepted. “Thank you.” I slipped the flower behind my ear. “I love it.”

Her voice was so soft to my ears when she said, “I dreamed of you.”

Moola muffled a sob, but I smiled. Demi was so brave. “I dreamed of you, too.”

The moment was so beautiful, so I couldn’t comprehend why my stomach suddenly twisted. My heart began to pound erratically, and I had an urgent sense that I was desperately needed. But I didn’t know where.

I stood. “Moola.”

She rushed forward. “Here.”

“Don’t leave her.”

“Not going anywhere.”

I could barely breathe. “I have ta find Thunda’.”

When I came barreling out the front door, a man in a black leather vest was standing on the tiny porch. “What’s wrong?” he asked while pulling a cell phone from his inner pocket.
