Page 113 of Praying for Lightning

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Just then, the front door swung open. “Diesel! My man!”

A cowboy, hat’n all, came out to greet us. He immediately hugged Diesel.

Diesel looked as if he’d found a long-lost friend. “Sawyer! How the fuck are ya?”

We followed him into the impressive home while he explained, “Got a granddaughter on the way, so Destiny is shopping as if she hasn’t got a lick of sense.”

Through a foyer, we were guided out French doors that led to the patio of all patios. It was more like a resort lounge area. A huge pool seemed part mystic lake. Under a huge awning, there were enough couches and chairs for a fat-ass party. Off to the right was a bar in front of a Playboy mansion style cave with a slide on top that led to the lake-pool.

Beyond all that was fencing. Lots of land for horses. Inside the fence was a sitting area under a big tree where a woman popped out of a chair. “Diesel!” She came running, jumping into his arms.

“Woman, I do not get to see you enough.”

Her boots coming back down onto the ground, she teased, “My security thinks you’re a pain in the ass.”

“Your boys don’t.”

Her boys?

Long brown hair shined in the sun. “Hell no! You speak my band’s language of trouble.” She turned to me. “I’m innocent. Hi, I’m also Destiny.”

Her hand hung between us before I snapped out of a daze. “Hey, I’m Chubs.”

She looked me over. “Not lookin’ chubby to me.”


Destiny was a shorty. 5′2′′ at the most, but she was so vibrant. Not sure if that’s the right word, but she seemed so … alive.

She faced the girls then gasped, grabbing her chest. “Oh-Oh-Oh … my.” Brown eyes, heavy with accusations, found Diesel who was now far more interested in the trees. “You’re not here to see me.”

Still looking anywhere but at Destiny, a guilty tongue pushed against the inside of his cheek while he rocked on his biker boots. “Don’t-know-what-cha-talkin’-about.”

Sawyer smirked. “Someone messin’ with my angel?”

“Cowboy, I ain’t the ‘angelic’ one today,” she huffed.

Fuck me. This woman had, somehow, figured out Demi and Rya weren’t exactly ‘normal’. I looked to Diesel who was gesturing for me to not do anything.

Blowing out a heavy breath, Destiny studied the girls then said, “Whelp, ladies, no need for introductions. Let’s get started and see why Diesel wanted me to meet you.”

Diesel’s fun side had disappeared. His tone and attitude no longer playful. He warned, “My friend, heads up. Rough roads in those pasts.”

She kept studying Rya and Demi, who were struck speechless at the sight of her. Whatever I thought I saw in her, they were mystified by it.

Destiny sighed. “I’m seeing that, Diesel. You were right to bring them.” As if ready to begin something I was clueless about, she turned toward the tree then held out her hands.

No instructions spoken, the girls stepped forward, each taking a hand.

After a full body jerk, Destiny walked the girls to the sitting area where she sat when we’d arrived.

I took a step forward, but Sawyer quietly said, “It’s usually best to give them space.”

Watching them get farther away, my leg began to shake with nerves.

“Someone need a drink?” asked Sawyer.

Both Diesel and I instantly nodded.
