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I felt guilt for her sacrifice, but more so, I felt an overwhelming appreciation. Rosa had given up something … for me.

Suddenly, I ached to hold her.

Full of gratitude while approaching her, my miracle, something in the corner of my eye caught my attention... Two dead bodies.


I needed to focus and get Rosa and my brother out of there.

Before taking Rosa from Piercer, I quickly slipped on my shirt, not bothering to button it when noticing it was tighter than before. “What the hell?” I stretched my arms in front of me and curled my back to loosen the material. “Maybe it shrunk in the rain?” I asked myself before shaking it off. “No time.” I pulled keys from my pocket then stuck them between my teeth before telling Pierce, “Give ’er t’me.”

Numbly, my brother released Rosa while eyeing me and mumbling, “You look like … Dad.”

Dad wasn’t your typical short Mexican. He was part of a Texan breed from El Paso, standing 6′2′′. with a thick stature to balance it.

I was also 6′2′′ but hadn’t completely filled out yet. Until tonight.

Grabbing the keys from my mouth, Piercer asked, “Onus, how can this be?”

My brother didn’t mean to insult me; I figured he just didn’t want to think of the vile man every time he saw me.

I shrugged. “No fucking clue. You saw what I saw.”

I guess he heard my tone, picking up on my not wanting to look like Dad. “Bro. Fuck, I’m sorry—”

The VP in me attempted to guard my inner child who was howling from within me. “Drag those bodies deeper into the trees to buy us time.”

“Of course.” Piercer casually walked over to the bodies. This wasn’t our first delivery-gone-wrong. But after taking a few steps, he slowly faced me, gawking. “This is Dad’s doing, isn’t it?”

Almost embarrassed, I gave a curt nod. It sucked to admit your dad hated you so much.

Appearing lost in his battle of loyalty to me and wanting Dad to become a decent human being, Piercer rubbed a nervous palm down his face. “How could he do this shit to us?” His alarmed eyes penetrated me. “Onus, they were only aiming for you. I saw them when I was looking for you.” He gestured to behind me, toward the festival. “I ran to help—”

I didn’t need a recap of the shitty evening. “Bodies. Now.”

Pity on his face, he replied, “Right,” then got back to it.

Looking at Rosa, my concern for her grew. What happened to her?

Once he was done and had ruffled some dead leaves over the blood trail, I ordered, “Get my bike. I’ll meet you over at that tree line.” I jutted my chin in the direction I was referring. “Still no cuts.” I didn’t need a leather trail to wherever we were going.

I received a concerned nod. “I understand, but…” He winced in worry. “Where we gonna go?”

“We?” My eyes widened, noticing a warmth in my chest. “You are heading back to the club.”

His upper lip curled. “And leave you on your own?”

“What choice do I have? I can’t go back after this.”

Piercer’s 6′ frame hunched in anger. “The fuck you can’t. You have the majority vote. Wait until those men learn of this.”

That meant an internal club war. Deadly as fuck.

“Besides,” he added, “I know how you’ve protected me through the years, but I’m not a kid anymore.”

I had never done it for recognition, but it sure felt good to get some.
