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I looked back to Rosa, smiling ear to ear. “Shut it, VP.”

“I know.” Leaving the door open, he walked away saying, “I’ll tell you ‘I told you so’ later.”

That he would, indeed. But for now… “Anita. Scram. I need to fuck.”

Just then, Piercer walked in my room, eyeing me while holding a hand up for Anita. “Pearl, baby, let’s go get settled in our room.”

Trying to ruffle his feathers, I said, “Maybe I want them both?”

Piercer decided against giving his hand to help ‘Pearl’ stand, tossing her over his shoulder and charging out of the room.

“Shut the door!” I laughed as he left, cussing me out. Facing Rosa, I gestured to my groin. “Suck.”

Her bare toes gripped the trampled comforter as she squatted. “No.”

Perfect answer. “Babe, I have a huge deposit on a stolen credit card. Don’t make me use it by fucking up this room and you.”

She grinned, widening her arms in a beckoning manner.

I was about to pounce on my feisty deity, but a hard knock rattled the door, interrupting me. “This better be important,” I warned whoever was on the other side.

Opening it, I saw Weatherman, his hand gripping the back of his neck as he paced back-and-forth, obviously agitated. “Another club in town just outbids us.”

“Let’s beat them to the punch. Grab more cash. We need that load.” I stepped into the hallway and shouted toward Piercer’s door, “Bro, get Pearl and get out here. Stat.” In the doorway, I pointed to Rosa. “Behave or I will kill you.”

She rolled her eyes before plopping onto the mattress and grabbing the remote control for the TV.

We left as soon as Piercer joined us, arriving at the location early, and successfully buying what was ours to begin with. It took time to get them properly packed and looking like a shipment of flowers in the prepared van, but under roses and other flowers lay deadly rifles, AKs, and an abundance of handhelds.

It was a good purchase. We would make a lot of money off of it.

To celebrate, we went to eat at a strip joint, but no lap dance could make me forget the deity waiting for me. “Let’s roll, assholes.”

In the lobby, smiling and ready to make a baby, I was beelining to an elevator when, because of my gifted abilities, I caught scent of the sweetness that had always been my weakness. Then I heard a man quietly ask, “How the fuck do you suddenly speak fluent Spanish?”

Another man spoke, sounding torn yet eager. “Lu, that’s what I’m trying to explain…”

My feet stopped working.

I turned like a robot to see a white man, about my size, facing away from me. He was yanking on longer, light brown hair. “I’m supposed to see her again tonight.”

My skin sizzled for obvious reasons but also because he was wearing a cut. A Redemption Ryders cut.

The man in front of him saw me from over his shoulder. “You got a problem?”

“Lu,” said the man who had his back to me. “This is not the time to pick a fight. I need you, my VP.”

Lu wasn’t the blue-eyed angel I was expecting. He was a big black man whose heated gaze said he didn’t appreciate me what-so-ever. “Whatever you say, prez.”

So the bitch fucked me over again. This time with the president of another club.

Fucking. Whore.

I blacked out, as I’d been doing more often and would continue to do many more times.

Next thing I remember was standing in the hotel bathroom, seeing Rosa scrubbing herself. The weirdest detail was what I seemed to be holding onto while I roared, “But you only bathe on Sundays! Why are you showering, you bitch?”

